The processes occurring during pregnancy in a woman's body have always been shrouded in mystery, so many signs have appeared, both useful from a scientific point of view and without any foundation. Whether to believe in signs during pregnancy is everyone's personal business, but you should figure out how believable they can be.

Folk signs about pregnancy you can believe in
1. A pregnant woman should not raise her arms high. For example, it is not recommended to hang laundry. It is believed that this can provoke premature birth.
Indeed, with a motionless standing with raised arms, a decrease in blood supply is possible, due to which fetal hypoxia occurs. At the same time, a small dynamic load will not cause any complications.
2. Pregnant women should not play with cats, otherwise the child will have many enemies.
Cats are indeed carriers of a dangerous infectious disease - toxoplasmosis, which can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Therefore, a woman should not carry out the litter box after her pet unless it has been examined by a veterinarian.
3. Women in position should not sit on the doorstep, so as not to upset the balance between the world of the living and the dead.
Sitting on the doorstep is dangerous due to drafts, and colds are unacceptable during pregnancy.
4. It is impossible to sit cross-legged during pregnancy, because the child is born with crooked legs or clubfoot.
This posture impairs blood flow in the legs and can cause varicose veins. Also, metabolic processes in the uterus are disrupted, due to which the fetus may not receive additional nutrients and oxygen.
5. Pregnant women should not wash in the bathroom because of the danger of premature birth.
Long sitting in hot water can really be the impetus for the onset of labor, but this should not be observed from warm water.
6. During pregnancy, fish should not be eaten, otherwise the child will be born dumb, and from red berries he will be scrofulous.
Excessive consumption of red berries and seafood can cause the development of allergies in the unborn child, you do not need to completely abandon them, but you should not be too zealous.
7. You can not tell anyone the date of birth to make it easier.
Calmness for a pregnant woman before childbirth is the key to their successful course, and constant questioning in the last days of pregnancy can disrupt the psychological balance of a woman.
8. You cannot tell anyone about pregnancy in order to protect yourself from evil spirits and the evil eye.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, there is a high risk of termination, so modern psychologists really advise postponing the story of good news to others until the fourth month of pregnancy.
Signs during pregnancy that have no scientific basis
1. Pregnant women should not cut their hair so as not to reduce the vitality of the child.
This procedure cannot bring any harm to the pregnant woman, perhaps even hair coloring with gentle methods.
2. During pregnancy, do not sew or knit, otherwise the baby may become entangled in the umbilical cord.
Needlework has nothing to do with the behavior of the child in the womb. However, you need to do sewing and knitting in a comfortable position, periodically get up and walk. Otherwise, blood circulation may deteriorate and fetal hypoxia may occur.
3. You cannot buy things for the baby before delivery.
The high level of infant mortality could explain the appearance of such a sign during pregnancy, because of which things might not be useful to the baby. Modern doctors recommend just to prepare everything in advance, so that later you do not run around the shops in search of missing things.
Whether it is worth believing in signs during pregnancy is up to the woman herself. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the attending physician on proper nutrition and lifestyle. In this case, no superstition can complicate the course of pregnancy.