Folk Signs Of Pregnancy

Folk Signs Of Pregnancy
Folk Signs Of Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman becomes more sensitive and unprotected. This is a truly mystical time when the expectant mother's intuition is sharpened. Some women literally from the first days of pregnancy can say for sure what gender they will have. The people also have many signs about pregnancy. Some of them are quite curious and often even effective.

Folk signs of pregnancy
Folk signs of pregnancy

Folk omens indicating the sex of the unborn child

If a woman loses her attractiveness during pregnancy, then this indicates that a girl will be born. It is believed that the mother seems to give her beauty to the future daughter. For some reason, boys are more merciful in this regard - they do not take away the natural attractiveness of their mother during pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman sleeps more often on her left side, then a girl will be born, and a boy on her right. Where this popular omen came from is unknown, and what connection between the position of the expectant mother and the sex of the child is also not very clear, however, this omen is very popular.

Severe toxicosis portends the birth of a son, and if only vomits in the morning, then a girl should be born.

Even the appearance of the abdomen indicates the sex of the unborn baby: a large, rounded belly foreshadows the birth of a girl, narrowed and slightly sharp - a boy.

It is also popularly believed that the sex of the unborn child affects the behavior of a pregnant woman. If she does not hide her position and subconsciously seeks to demonstrate her pregnancy to everyone, then she will have a son. For some reason, it is believed that pregnant girls unconsciously try to hide their rounded tummy from prying eyes.

If during pregnancy a woman prefers spicy and salty food, then she bears a son. If she is more inclined to sweets or often loses her appetite and becomes picky about food, then she will have a daughter.

Frequent headaches also indicate that the birth of a boy should be expected.

If the baby first showed signs of life and pushed in the right side, then a son will be born, and a daughter in the left.


Folk omens and superstitions: what to avoid during pregnancy

It is believed that a pregnant woman should not be sewing. Sewing is allowed only on Sundays and on church holidays. It is believed that if these rules are not followed, then a number of unpleasant diseases associated with vision can be brought on to the future child.

They also say that it is forbidden for a pregnant woman to look at fires - the child may develop birthmarks on the body, similar to burns.

Do not throw water over the threshold. This can harm the baby's health and make the upcoming birth difficult.

In times of fear, frustration, and anxiety, a pregnant woman should not touch her face. It is believed that this action can negatively affect the appearance of the unborn child and may even leave marks on his face.

During pregnancy, you cannot go to the cemetery and funeral. Any dead energy can cause great harm to the health of the mother and baby. During pregnancy, a woman is extremely vulnerable and highly susceptible to negative effects.

A pregnant woman should not baptize other children. It is believed that taking part in the baptism ceremony, a woman gives the maternal energy to someone else's baby at the expense of her own unborn child.

A woman expecting a baby should not step over stretched ropes and chains. It is believed that during childbirth, the baby can become entangled in the umbilical cord.

For some reason, a pregnant woman cannot look at the fire for a long time and blow out the candles if she wants the pregnancy and childbirth to be easy.