The Main Color Of The Aura According To The Signs Of The Zodiac

The Main Color Of The Aura According To The Signs Of The Zodiac
The Main Color Of The Aura According To The Signs Of The Zodiac

Aura is a kind of energy, a kind of thinnest shell around a living object. Each person has an aura in which different colors are mixed. Some people claim that they can not only feel the aura, but can also see it. Astrologers agree that each particular sign of the zodiac in the colors of its energy is dominated by a particular shade.

Zodiac signs aura color
Zodiac signs aura color

The dominant color in a person's aura can speak of some key personality traits, about features. In addition, the main shade of energy can indicate talents that a person himself often does not even know about. What specific colors come to the fore in the aura depending on the sign of the zodiac?


The main color of the Aries aura is scarlet. He personifies passion, fire, expressiveness, confidence, inner strength. At the same time, this color indicates aggression, impulsivity, a tendency to strong emotions, which sometimes can be extremely inadequate. Such traits are very often present in the character of a person who, according to the horoscope, is Aries.

Such a dominant shade of energy endows Aries with determination and determination. Often, representatives of this sign know exactly what they want and know how to achieve their goals without giving in to obstacles.


The Taurus aura mainly exudes an emerald hue. In general, green is one of the main colors in the life of Taurus. It gives a close connection with nature.

Energy of this shade indicates hidden healing abilities. So people born under this zodiac sign should pay attention to this. If desired, they can learn to heal others by word and touch.


The yellow tint that dominates the Gemini aura gives people born under this sign with inner light and positive. This tone helps Gemini to keep the inner child, to be ready for everything new and exciting.

Thanks to a similar shade in the aura, Gemini can infect with a positive and faith in the bright future of the people around them. In addition, yellow energy heals, especially at the mental level, not only a person who is a Gemini according to the horoscope, but also his loved ones, relatives, loved ones.


The main shade in Cancer's aura is usually pink. This color indicates the sensuality and romance of Cancers. Plus, this shade will give this zodiac sign empathy.

Under the influence of the pink tone, Cancers become empathetic, attentive, caring, soft. This color gives people born under a similar zodiac sign the ability to hear and listen to others, compassion. Such people can make excellent counselors and psychologists, as well as skillful manipulators, which is no longer very good for their environment.

a lion

The orange aura is usually found in Leo. In some cases, a mixture of shades such as orange, red, gold and red may be dominant.

These tones endow Lions with confidence, dedication, strength, vitality, leadership qualities. However, they can also "feed" the selfish character traits of this zodiac sign.


For Virgo, a rich and pure blue tone becomes the main color of energy. This shade clarifies consciousness, gives calmness and makes people born under this zodiac sign more balanced.

Blue indicates a penchant for logic and science. A person who is Virgo according to the horoscope can become an excellent astrologer or numerologist. In addition, this color makes Virgo people straightforward and confident in their words and actions.

Aura shades by zodiac signs
Aura shades by zodiac signs


Libra's aura is usually dominated by two shades at once: blue and green. Mixing with each other, these tones can bring some harmony to the life of Libra.

People born under such a sign and possessing a similar aura are endowed with diplomatic abilities. They know how to find a common language with different people. At the same time, Libra, often without noticing it, acts soothingly on their surroundings. They can quietly rid people of negative or just overly strong emotions.


Scorpions have a lilac aura. This shade enhances the intuition and various magical abilities of people born under this sign. At the same time, such a tone of the aura can become a kind of mask for Scorpios, behind which it is impossible to understand what this person is thinking, what he feels or what he wants. Lilac envelops Scorpions with a veil of mystery and mysticism.

Such energy endows the Scorpio people with the ability to see the truth, feel the lie. It also heightens emotions.


A golden hue usually dominates the Sagittarius aura. He endows such people with cheerfulness, a large supply of energy and internal strength that a Sagittarius can, if he wants, easily share with other people.

The golden aura makes Sagittarius very patient and hardy, hardworking and purposeful. This tone attracts interesting personalities to Sagittarius, endows them with curiosity and a thirst for new knowledge.


Burgundy usually stands out from the rest of the Capricorn aura tones. This shade gives this zodiac sign an endless supply of moral and physical strength. Capricorns with such an aura are distinguished by their endurance, they can survive in almost any circumstances.

Thanks to the burgundy shade, Capricorns have inner confidence, they know how to clearly set goals and develop plans to achieve them.


A pure green hue dominates the Aquarius aura. This color is healing. Therefore, Aquarius, just like Taurus, can heal people.

The green tone also brings freshness and renewal. He helps Aquarius find creative solutions, think outside the box, and generate sudden interesting ideas. People who, according to the horoscope, are Aquarius, easily find ways out of even the most controversial and difficult situations.


The main color in the energy of Pisces is purple. This tone endows a person born under this sign with strong intuition, extrasensory abilities, imagination and fantasy, talents for creativity.

The violet hue in the aura helps Pisces to be realized in the field of art. It also makes these people very empathetic, develops empathy, and helps keep a little childish view of the world. In addition, the purple tone makes Pisces very dreamy and light.
