The word "Zodiac" has ancient Greek roots and is translated into Russian as "a circle of animals." This circle forms a kind of "heavenly" ribbon encircling the Earth. It is believed that it is along this route that the Moon and the Sun make their way. Each of the twelve sectors of this "belt" is the sign of the Zodiac, which is a key element in astrology.

Step 1
The element of fire. The "fire" signs of the zodiac include: Leo (July 23 - August 23), Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) and Aries (March 21 - April 20). The character of such people is predominantly "hot": they do not sit still, are very hot-tempered personalities, do not know how to wait and throw tantrums at any opportunity. At the same time, people born under one of the "fiery" Zodiacs are smart and business people.
Step 2
Aries are stubborn but ambitious individuals. They are easily pissed off and cannot be subdued by anyone's will. Lions have a much softer character than Aries, but they will not be able to rule the whole world. In principle, the leadership qualities of Leos can be good at promoting them up the career ladder within a certain professional niche. Sagittarius are stubborn people, capable of pushing many people away from themselves with their frank directness. At the same time, Sagittarius are charming and sincere, they can conquer and fall in love with the people around them. These people are freedom-loving and do not tolerate any restrictions.
Step 3
The element of water. The "water" signs of the zodiac include: Scorpio (October 23 - November 21), Cancer (June 22 - July 22) and Pisces (February 20 - March 20). People born under these constellations are quite emotional and sensitive. Many of them are romantics and compassion. Often these Zodiacs donate funds to charity. Cancers are devotees in love and family relationships. At work, these people are more honest than any honest person, they are reliable and valuable employees. Some Cancers have superpowers, but prefer to hide it.
Step 4
Pisces are dual natures. These people can be honest, hardworking and at the same time dreamy, impressionable. They believe that beauty will save the world, they are idealists. Pisces do not like noisy companies, preferring loneliness. Scorpio is the most controversial zodiac. These people are often thrown from one extreme to another: they can love, and they can hate; they can be energetic or they can get depressed frequently. Basically, Scorpios strive for success and popularity, reaching considerable heights at work.
Step 5
The element of air. The "air" signs of the zodiac include the following: Libra (September 23 - October 22), Gemini (May 22 - June 21) and Aquarius (January 21 - February 19). These people are quick-witted, cheerful and almost always in a good mood. They are sociable and talkative. They say about them: the soul of the company. Many of them are creative people. Gemini is the most volatile zodiac: now they are in a great mood, and in 5 minutes - in anger! At the same time, these people are real intellectuals, they love to flirt, chat on intimate topics. Family life gives Gemini a lot of trouble, since the family puts them in a certain framework of being.
Step 6
Aquarians are extraordinary and sometimes extraordinary personalities. Often, real geniuses and masters of their craft are born among them. Aquarians prefer to delve into philosophy, politics, and art. They hate boredom, diversifying their lives in every way. Libra is the fairest zodiac. People born under this constellation protect the weak and rein in their offenders. Libras are balanced, generous and considerate people. They love to participate in certain negotiations. These are usually always valuable workers.
Step 7
Release of the Earth. These include Capricorns (December 22 - January 20), Virgo (August 24 - September 22) and Taurus (April 21 - May 21). These people are simple and everyday. They do not make grandiose plans, do not indulge in unnecessary fantasies. These Zodiacs accept reality as it is. Virgos are real intellectuals. Their mindset is analytical and their thinking is logical. They love themselves very much, and therefore strive for constant perfection. They reach considerable heights in a particular area.
Step 8
Taurus are hardworking people. They are born careerists. They are ready to break mountains to achieve their goals. Taurus never listen to other people's advice, relying only on their own head. They go ahead, sacrificing everything they can. Capricorns are punctual and practical. They are capable of reaching great heights in the business field. At work, Capricorns are strict bosses and a little nervous colleagues, but at home they are real angels who love and appreciate their family. These people are honest, simple and reliable.