How To Make Shampoo At Home

How To Make Shampoo At Home
How To Make Shampoo At Home

Currently, there are a huge number of different shampoos on store shelves, but most of them have a dubious chemical composition. This is what makes homemade hygiene products from natural ingredients gain popularity.

How to make shampoo at home
How to make shampoo at home

Making shampoo at home is a snap. To create it, very few ingredients are required, namely: a liquid soap base, a decoction of a certain herb (you decide which herb to choose), base and essential oils, which can be purchased at a pharmacy and a specialized soap making store.

So, to prepare shampoo at home, you need to heat the liquid base in a water bath to 35-40 degrees, then add a teaspoon of base oil to it (which oil depends on the type of hair, for example, if the hair is dry, then it is best to add oil wheat germ, and if fatty at the roots and dry at the tips, then olive or burdock), 20 drops of essential oil (also depends on the type of hair) and 50 ml of herb decoction.

As for the broth, it is prepared as follows: two tablespoons of herbs are placed in an enamel pan, cold water is poured, brought to a boil and for a couple of minutes the mixture is boiled over low heat, then cooled to room temperature and filtered. If the shampoo is prepared for dry damaged hair, then decoctions of nettle, chamomile, linden blossom can be added to it, if for fatty ones - calendula, burdock, mint, St. John's wort. You can store this shampoo from a month to two: it depends on the storage temperature.

Common products that are found in every home are also excellent hair shampoos. For example, egg yolks are great for washing hair. All you need to do is take one or two yolks, stir them in a bowl, then apply to damp hair and massage a little. Wash off with warm water. With prolonged use of such a shampoo, the hair becomes more manageable, shiny, less electrified.

Another option is rye bread. It is necessary to knead the pulp of bread in a bowl, add water or broth to it, mix, apply to hair and massage. Even one application is enough to make hair softer and silky.
