With a little effort and imagination, you can turn an ordinary shampoo bottle into a souvenir. It will easily become an original decor element or a surprise for a loved one.

Noisy bottles
Simple manipulations can easily turn ordinary shampoo bottles into real works of art. The simplest and most popular option is noisy bottles that will delight both the child and the adult. As a sound filler, you can use any cereal - buckwheat, rice, barley, as well as small pebbles, beans, bells, beads, small buttons and even matches. Externally, the bottle must be decorated with multi-colored paints, this will make it not only noisy, but also mysterious. With such a thing, you can arrange an entertaining game, for example, invite the child to guess what is ringing in it. To secure a fun venture, you should securely fix the bottle cap, for example, put it on glue. This will reduce the risk of your baby coming into direct contact with small particles.
Seasonal and themed bottles
A seasonal bottle is an original decoration of the interior that will make it more cozy and warm. For the craft, you will need a transparent shampoo bottle and a set of themed artifacts that will symbolize the seasons. For example, an autumn bottle can be filled with yellow leaves and acorns, a summer bottle with bright herbs and colorful sea pebbles. For the winter version, white pom-poms and silver sequins are suitable, and for the spring version - flowers, twigs and pebbles. Thematic bottles are the embodiment of the most creative ideas. Transparent options can be filled with colored sand, sugar, cereals in different proportions, and externally decorated with all kinds of rhinestones and fabrics. An excellent filler is also multi-colored liquids of different densities, for example, colored water and sunflower oil.
Funny bottles
It will be very easy to please a child and an adult with a funny jellyfish bottle. To make it, you will need an ordinary transparent shampoo bottle, a plastic bag and blue paint. This craft does not take much time - all that is needed is to tint the water, put some liquid in the bag, tie it up and send it to swim in the "ocean". Outwardly, it will be no different from a real jellyfish blowing bubbles. A very useful gift for modern children who sometimes need a little time to “slow down” is a meditation bottle. You can fill it with shampoo or dishwashing liquid and put a few shiny beads inside. In a dense soapy solution, the balls will fall down and rise beautifully if you turn the bottle over.