What Crafts Can Be Made From Natural Material On The Theme Of Autumn

What Crafts Can Be Made From Natural Material On The Theme Of Autumn
What Crafts Can Be Made From Natural Material On The Theme Of Autumn

With the onset of autumn, in almost all preschool institutions and schools, children are invited to show their imagination and bring a handicraft made with their own hands from natural material. Any theme for creativity can be given, however, the theme of autumn is most often chosen.

What crafts can be made from natural material on the theme of autumn
What crafts can be made from natural material on the theme of autumn

Before you start creating, you need to think about what you associate autumn with. Perhaps it is a hedgehog or a squirrel making stocks of nuts, mushrooms and berries for the winter, birds flying south, or just a beautiful bright landscape. As soon as you decide on the craft that you want to make, then prepare the necessary material, for example, collect the leaves and dry them, stock up on cones, acorns, nut shells, twigs, moss and more. Well, start creating a masterpiece. As for the options for handicrafts on the theme of autumn, then it can be an ordinary application, for example, the one given below.


To make it, you will need a sheet of cardboard (it is best to take a light green or blue cardboard), scissors, a pencil, colored paper, leaves, twigs and glue. First, draw a suitable size vase shape on colored paper, cut it and glue it to the bottom of a piece of cardboard. Next, glue the twigs, and so that they seem to come out of the neck of the vase. Well, in conclusion, glue the leaves with twigs. Thus, you will have a gorgeous autumn bouquet applique.

You can also make a caterpillar sitting on a bright leaf from natural materials. You can make it from nuts, apples or berries. All that is required is to select the materials so that they are about the same diameter, and fasten them together with either plasticine (if nuts are used) or toothpicks (if fruits or berries are used). You can use plasticine to decorate crafts.


Insects such as dragonflies, snails and spiders are quite interesting from natural materials. To create them, you can use maple seeds, nuts, twigs and needles. It is best to use ordinary plasticine to hold certain parts together.
