For lovers of applied art, an ordinary plastic or glass bottle will become the ideal basis for the implementation of their creative ideas. This exciting activity will not only brighten up free leisure, but also decorate your home interior with original decorative elements.

A glass or plastic bottle for a creative person has long ceased to be just an empty container. She can always find a worthy use in the household, having made not only an original, but also a very useful device or craft.
Crafts from glass bottles
Working with glass will require a lot of care and precision to avoid accidental cuts and injuries. The shape of a glass bottle can turn out to be very non-standard, which will further expand the flight of creative imagination. First of all, the bottle should be prepared for the decoration process by removing all labels from it and carefully removing any traces of glue. The glass surface must be degreased, otherwise it will be difficult to decorate. To do this, it should either be rinsed under running water with any detergent, or wiped with an alcohol solution.
The creative renewal of a glass bottle is largely determined by the skills of the master himself. For example, connoisseurs of decoupage have the opportunity to refine it with the help of paper napkins with a spectacular image. Painting lovers can take advantage of stained glass paints by painting a real work of art on the glass surface. No less original will be a bottle filled with layers of multi-colored river sand or even semolina of different thickness. Owners of suburban buildings will be able to design a whole glass fence.
The second life of plastic bottles
An ordinary plastic bottle opens up no less room for creativity and imagination. It is easy to handle - under the influence of temperature, the plastic can be easily deformed. Most often, lovers of applied art use the top with a neck or the "flower" bottom of the bottle. Original lamps, flower pots and vases or spectacular butterflies are just a few of what can be done with flexible plastic.
By cutting the bottle lengthwise, you can adapt it for growing grass for your beloved cat. On the eve of the New Year's celebration, it will be easy to build a cute miniature spruce, and a flower garden made of plastic "plants" will certainly not go unnoticed.
It is impossible to describe all the uses of empty plastic and glass bottles - the creativity potential can be so limitless. Even having shown only a small fraction of imagination, it is possible to create a real masterpiece of applied art from an at first glance unremarkable material.