DIY Decorative Cards

DIY Decorative Cards
DIY Decorative Cards

Many of us at least once in our life bought postcards for friends, relatives, colleagues and noticed that most of them did not have originality and were similar to each other. But you really want to give something unusual and beautiful. You can find a way out of this situation. Make a postcard yourself.

DIY decorative cards
DIY decorative cards

Every hostess dreams of decorating her house with unusual and beautiful things or giving original postcards to her friends or colleagues. To do this, you should not immediately run to expensive stores and buy unusual pictures for a lot of money. You can just do it yourself. To diversify the home color or make an unusual and pleasant gift, it is enough to have with you: glue, masking net, multi-colored beads, paint (you can use gouache), brushes, cardboard or strong paper and dried flowers.

Before starting work, decide on the pattern and size of the craft. It should not be very small, as large beads will give the impression of a blurry pattern. Take rectangular cardboard, spray or gouache the main background of the paint. Let it dry for a couple of minutes. Then glue dry flowers or leaves with glue to the paper, creating the intended ornament. After that, attach a couple of various transparent beads and glue to the flowers.

Roll the masking net into a tube and cut. Paint it with silver or bronze, let dry. Stick the dry mesh with silicone glue on the cardboard so that the main pattern and flowers are not covered.

The product is ready. You can put it in a frame, give it to friends or just admire it on the wall at home.
