Karma is not a sentence. Negative karma acquired in past lives often gives impetus to a person's development in this life. In a sense, it is the engine of your progress.

It is necessary
- Testimonies of relatives who have a good memory of past events in your family.
- A realistic assessment of the degree of negativity that occurs in your life.
- The help of a specialist - an experienced yogi or mentor.
Step 1
Each person somehow has a load of past lives. They can be traced most clearly in childhood - from 3 to 5 years. The child shows his connection with the past quite strongly. Therefore, it is worth asking older relatives what scared you in childhood, what you said, was there anything unusual in your childhood actions.
Step 2
If for some reason relatives are unable to help you decide on your past life and karma, try to revive in your memory what associations you had in moments of trials and experiences. What was the symbolic trigger for your problem?
Step 3
In fact, karmic problems can be divided into 12 main categories. The first are connected with you personally - the physical body, appearance, appearance. The second is the problem of your finances, money. Still others - conversations, wattle fights follow through life, a lot of quarrels and strife from scratch, communication problems. Fourth - problems with housing, home, and problems with parents. Fifth - problems with children. Sixth - difficulties with work. Seventh - difficulties in marriage and personal relationships. Eighth - fears, phobias, obsessive states (not diagnosed medically). Ninth - problems related to training and education. Tenth - difficulties in career and work. Eleventh - unlucky with friends. Twelfths - health problems.
Step 4
Negative karma associated personally with you, your appearance, appearance, often gives self-doubt, your attractiveness, complexes. It manifests itself - a hypertrophied emphasis on appearance, people try to make themselves brighter and more significant. In a past life, you were very proud of your beauty. It is being treated - trainings on accepting oneself as it is, psychotherapy.
Step 5
The second problems associated with finances and the immediate environment are the quality of housing, family traditions associated with this. In a past life, you were a sybarite, sought to pamper yourself. Treated - diets, self-restraint. Don't indulge your instincts.
Step 6
The third karmic problem is communication problems. You talk a lot and not to the point. In a past life, you were an inveterate talker, you could be caustic, offend others. In this life, you are punished by the lack of this skill. It is being treated - a vow of silence for a short time will not hurt you. Try to talk less, but to the point.
Step 7
The fourth karmic problems are problems with the house, apartment, parents. You have difficulties with your parents, it is hard for you at home, your housing is not of good quality. The treatment is to live separately from your parents, but maintain an emotional connection. To be professionally engaged in real estate.
Step 8
The fifth karmic problem is difficulties with children. Children appear difficult or at the wrong time, it is difficult to give birth. In a past life, you could offend your child, there could be abortions. Being treated - work in child care, with other people's children.
Step 9
The sixth problems of karma are problems with work. You have a lot of unskilled work, it is low paid, hard, and does not bring joy. Being treated - work in the field of employment, HR. Cultivate patience and tolerance with your colleagues.
Step 10
Problems of the seventh kind - bad luck in marriage, problems in personal relationships. In a past life, you cheated, you were a polygamist, did not respect the agreement. It is being treated - try to build those relationships that already exist. Do not get divorced, do not look for a new person - he, as a rule, only gets worse.
Step 11
The eighth problems of karma are phobias and fears that interfere with life. As a rule, this is the fear of loss - money, life, property. In a past life, you unjustly captured what did not belong to you. Being treated - work in the field of jurisprudence, notary, accountant. Shown to work with other people's money and property.
Step 12
The ninth karmic problem is not destiny to go to college or graduate normally. In a past life, you prided yourself on your intelligence and knowledge. It is being treated - the humility of pride will do you good. Set yourself a small goal - go to college, for example.
Step 13
The tenth negative karma is work and career karma. You are unlucky, you come across difficult bosses, in general it is difficult for you to take responsibility, high uncertainty and fear of failing everything, which often happens. In a past life, you took full advantage of the working position and walked over your heads. Treatment: do not strive to build a career quickly. Go where it is difficult, where it is not prestigious and work gradually.
Step 14
The eleventh negative karma is the karma of the friendly environment. You have unreliable and unfaithful friends. You are often let down, you feel insecure in a friendly circle. In a past life, you yourself betrayed your friends more than once. Treatment - work in community organizations, on a voluntary basis, take part in public life.
Step 15
Twelfth negative karma - loneliness scares you, this is your main phobia. Hypochondria can be strongly manifested - you are looking for diseases, dislike for doctors, distrust. You are ready to surround yourself with charlatans or are treated according to the advice of magazines. You are misled by "spiritual" teachers and mentors - also charlatans. Treatment - official religion (any), active help to people, charity.