How To Tune A Guitar Yourself

How To Tune A Guitar Yourself
How To Tune A Guitar Yourself

Table of contents:


The performance of any piece of music depends on the tuning of the guitar. So that at the right moment the instrument does not let you down, it is worth mastering some techniques that will allow you to quickly correct its sound.

How to tune a guitar yourself
How to tune a guitar yourself

It is necessary

  • - guitar;
  • - tuning fork / tuner.


Step 1

To tune your guitar, it is important to give a clear sound to the first string. All other strings are tuned along it. The fusion of the sounds of the tuned and tuned strings is the meaning of tuning the entire instrument.

Step 2

Use a tuning fork, piano, using a special computer program (tuner). Explore the capabilities of a variety of built-in microphone electronics to quickly determine how out of tune your instrument is and correct your position.

Step 3

The tuning fork is a small instrument and is the benchmark for tuning many musical instruments. He makes only one sound, namely "la" of the first octave. The first string of your guitar should make the same sound. Note that the standard tuning assumes a fairly tight string tension. It is difficult for a beginner guitarist with untrained finger muscles to play them.

Step 4

If the resistance of the strings is too noticeable for you, then loosen their tension. This will greatly facilitate your practice and help you master the complex technical skills of playing the instrument. Accept the fact that your fingers have to get used to the resistance of the strings, which will take time. As the muscles strengthen, you will gradually pull the strings to the standard tension.

Step 5

Tune the first string. First, release the tension on all strings enough so that they no longer offer any resistance. Determine with a glance on which roller the first string is wound. While rotating the corresponding peg with the fingers of your left hand, control the state of the string with your right hand so as not to accidentally break it.

Step 6

Pull the string very carefully and slowly. Periodically check the tension by pressing it against the neck with your left index finger at the first fret. As soon as you hear the "voice" of the strings and feel some pressure (but not pain) on your finger, then the instrument can be called ready for practice.

Step 7

The second string is tuned to the first open string. Pull up the peg of the weakened second string slightly and test it by pressing with any finger of your left hand at the 5th fret. Do not forget that the frets are counted from the guitar head. Pull up the string slowly until the sound of the second string merges with the voice of the first.

Step 8

Press the third string down at the fourth fret and tune to the open second string. Remember that all other strings are pressed down at the 5th fret and tuned in the same way as the first three.
