Guitarists can go to the workshop to get their instrument tuned. But you can do it yourself. It is all the more useful to learn how to tune the guitar yourself, since the master-tuner may not be at the concert, and it will be necessary to tune in urgently.

Step 1
Choose the right thickness and brand of strings. If the strings are of poor quality, cheap, then they will cause a bad sound of the guitar and bounce, so it is better not to skimp on strings. Tune the electric guitar to the key in which you play. Further adjustment depends on how the strings are stretched.
Step 2
Adjust the tremolo springs. On Floyd Rose, 3-4 springs hold the clipper parallel to the body. On a Strat tremolo, 3-5 springs return the machine to its original position when it is firmly pressed against the body. Check the tuning of your electric guitar and make sure there is no jolting or friction when moving the guitar.
Step 3
Before stretching the strings on the Floyd Rose, place a cube or eraser under it and thus fix it in the desired position. After you finish the tincture, the die will fall out on its own. To adjust the deflection of the neck, tighten or loosen the truss nut located on the head or bottom of the neck. Determine the deflection of the neck by eye, or press the 1st and 6th strings at the same time on the first and last frets. If the strings are on the frets, then loosen the nut. And if they hang high above the frets, then tighten the nut until the distance between the twelfth fret and the string is 0.2-0.5 mm. Now check the pitch of the electric guitar again.
Step 4
To adjust the strings above the fretboard, raise or lower the clipper, or each string separately. If your guitar has a Fender bridge, loosen the strings to prevent the screws from breaking. The height of the strings should be such that they do not rattle at the frets. It is better to check for string rattling with headphones. Now check all strings at all frets and do the pull-ups. Strings can rattle if - they are of poor quality; the frets on the fretboard are uneven; uneven neck; the height of the strings above the neck does not correspond to the playing technique.
Step 5
Check clamp or saddle. The height of the strings above the first fret should be no more than 0.2-0.3 mm. Each string at the twelfth fret should sound in unison with the harmonic. In the event that the harmonic sounds higher, move the string filly located on the tailpiece closer to the neck. If the harmonic, on the contrary, sounds lower, then the filly needs to be moved further from the neck. If tuning your electric guitar to a tuner, check all strings at all frets.