If you are tired of your old electric guitar, or you have decided to become the owner of this instrument for the first time, you need to rationally approach the issue of purchasing it. First of all, you need to understand for what purposes you need a tool and how much money you are willing to spend on it.

And remember, miracles do not happen - finding the optimal electric guitar will take both time and - in some cases - a hefty amount of money. All electric guitars can be conventionally divided into three categories. If you decide to choose an electric guitar from the first, most inexpensive category, which includes instruments costing up to $ 500, be prepared that for this money you will receive the most inexpensive "hardware", as well as wood and electronics of unknown origin. Such guitars are suitable only for novice musicians, while the only acceptable option is to buy a ready-made instrument from a master, and the cost of a guitar should be at least $ 400. The second most expensive category of electric guitars includes instruments that range in price from $ 500 to $ 2,000. When purchasing a guitar in this price range, remember that mass-produced products are offered in this price range, so do not expect an extremely rich sound from such an electric guitar - these are ordinary high-quality working tools. To choose the right electric guitar, pay attention to the way the neck is attached - it affects the sonic characteristics of the instrument. If the neck is screwed on, the percussion of the instrument will be increased, which will undoubtedly delight fans of high-speed playing. If you prefer to play slow and stringy blues, look at the neck guitars. Glued fingerboards are a cross between screwed and thru-through. It is worth paying attention to the pad - the tougher the pad, the longer it will last. But the shape of the guitar deck does not affect the sound so much - therefore it is chosen mainly for their aesthetic preferences. Guitars that cost more than $ 2,000 are already classified as professional instruments. Such a guitar will sound rich and rich, of course, combined with the appropriate playing skills. Whichever guitar you prefer, always take the time to patiently compare the instruments in the store. Do not grab the first tool you come across. Try to purchase electric guitars, the manufacturer of which provides warranty services for their products.