Children love different toys, but playing with the heroes of their favorite fairy tales is especially interesting. Toddlers can play the most interesting moments, as well as change the course of events, coming up with new adventures. Heroes of your favorite fairy tales can be sewn on your own, and not bought in the store. Without a doubt, children will be happy to help you, and this will make making toys not only useful, but also a very pleasant experience for the whole family.

It is necessary
Fabrics of different colors, threads, needles, filling material - synthetic winterizer or foam rubber, buttons, beads, cardboard, wire, various ribbons, lace, straw
Step 1
So, having decided on the hero and picking up the necessary materials, you can get to work. First, find a pattern for a similar character. It can be found in magazines, books, on the Internet. You can try to make a pattern yourself by carefully examining a similar toy.
Step 2
Next, transfer the pattern to the fabric. With the fabric on the table, carefully mark out the outlines of the parts with a pencil, soap, or chalk. Then the details need to be cut. Cut with sharp scissors so as not to spoil the edges.
Step 3
Next, the edges of the parts need to be sewn by hand or on a sewing machine. If you are not sure about the correctness of the details, it is better to sew by hand, and then, making sure that everything is correct, sew on a typewriter. You can make decorative seams on the front side. This is the easiest option if the toy is small.
Step 4
After the fabric is firmly sewn, it's time to start stuffing our hero. For filling, you can use foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, synthupuh. It is better to take synthetic materials, since toys with natural filling will get lost in lumps and deform after washing. Stuffing should be started from the farthest corners, evenly distributing the material along the entire length of the toy.
Step 5
Some heroes need a wire frame. To do this, a frame is made from a piece of thick copper wire of sufficient length, wrapped with cotton wool and carefully inserted into the fabric. It is very important to make sure that all sharp corners are bent and wrapped in cotton wool, otherwise the toy will not be safe.
Step 6
The toy is almost ready, but in order for it to become your favorite fairytale hero, you need to design it. It is recommended to start with the face. Eyes are easiest to make from buttons or beads, while eyebrows and eyelashes can be embroidered with thick threads or floss. The mouth can be embroidered or drawn, the cheeks can be painted in pink or red. Hair or wool can be made from wool, straw, or other material, depending on the type of hero.
Step 7
Further design depends on the toy. The children themselves will tell you what details are needed for this particular character. These can be hats, glasses, walking sticks, handbags. It is these small details that bring your toy to life and make it the character of your favorite fairy tale, and not a faceless doll. Then you can sew clothes for the hero, make him a house or a car. However, your children know this better.