The game of Cossack-robbers, very popular in the past, is a combination of tag and hide and seek, fosters team spirit and mutual assistance. Unfortunately, nowadays, when computer games are the favorite pastime of children, this fun is remembered and brought to life less and less often.

Step 1
Discuss the basic rules of the game with other participants. Determine the territory beyond which it is forbidden to go out during the game. Divide into two teams. Remember, the more people will participate in the Cossack robbers, the more interesting the game will be. In each team, choose an ataman. Throw lots to determine which team will be Cossacks and which will be robbers. Come up with signs to distinguish members of different teams. These can be armbands, badges, or ribbons.
Step 2
Choose a place for the "dungeon" in which you will keep the captured robbers, and clearly mark its boundaries. The "dungeon" should not be too large to be more convenient to guard. Choose a member who will guard the captured robbers. Wait a while until the robbers hide, and then go in search of them, focusing on the drawn arrows.
Step 3
Find the circle drawn by the robbers on the asphalt and indicating the beginning of the movement. The arrow coming from the circle indicates the direction in which the robbers disappeared. First, they run and draw arrows all together, and then divide into groups and hide in different places. Arrows are drawn on the asphalt, walls of houses, benches and other places. Some of them, in order to confuse the Cossacks, may show a false direction. They can also be barely noticeable or located at fairly large distances from each other.
Step 4
Catch the robber and, taking him by the arm or sleeve, lead him to the "dungeon". The prisoner has the right to escape only if the Cossack, for any reason, unclenched his hand himself. Release the prisoner if another robber has tainted you. If you manage to stain it first, you will already have two prisoners in your hands. Use the help of another Cossack so as not to miss the robber on the way to the "dungeon". The robbers can take a risky step and try to free their comrades from the "dungeon" itself. To do this, they need to stain the prisoner himself, not the guard. Allocate one or two more people to guard if you have caught a lot of robbers.