How To Send A Letter To Moscow

How To Send A Letter To Moscow
How To Send A Letter To Moscow

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Despite the fact that modern people mainly communicate through e-mail, social networks, sms, in the end, ordinary paper letters have not lost their relevance. So, how to send a message in an envelope to the capital of our Motherland?

letters from afar…
letters from afar…


Step 1

A letter to Moscow is sent in the same way as to any other region of Russia. There are no special rules for the capital. The letter should weigh no more than 20 grams. For each subsequent 20 years you need to pay extra. If unsure, weigh the envelope before sending it to the blue box. If necessary, add more stamps. Otherwise, the letter will return to you in a couple of days and you still have to pay extra.

Step 2

The address on the envelope must be filled out correctly and accurately. First, the index. Its presence on the postal item significantly speeds up the delivery of the letter to the addressee. If you do not know at all, do not come up with it yourself. In addition, in any post office there is a corresponding magazine with a list of all postal codes in any city. There is also such information on the Internet. It is best to fill in the index according to the sample shown on the envelope - sorting is still not manual. The address is written starting with the street name. If you indicate something wrong in it, the letter can be returned. In addition, very often letters are lost not even within the postal services, but already in your house, entrance.

But if you wrote everything correctly, but forgot to indicate the house number, then the letter will be returned to you.

Step 3

The address and other details of the recipient must be written exclusively in Russian, even if you are writing from an autonomous republic or a neighboring state. And everything should be written clearly, understandably, without corrections.

Step 4

Letters vary in importance and value of the item. Ordinary correspondence is an ordinary letter. It is better to use registered ones for sending documents, forms, besides, this type of shipment will arrive faster and with a greater guarantee. If valuable documents are sent, then the letter itself can be drawn up as valuable with a declared value. But money, plastic cards cannot be sent by letter. Moreover, if it gets lost somewhere, although the likelihood of this is small, the mail is not responsible.
