Happiness can be brought into the house not only by a heart in love, but also by magic. It will not be difficult to charm a loved one with a skillful sorceress. Reverse action is almost impossible. What to do in such cases?

The love triangle is always a sad story that torments the hearts of lovers throughout the history of mankind. People strive to get the long-awaited happiness and create harmony next to their loved one. But not everyone gets what they want by listening to their own heart and tender feelings.
Someone can take possession of a loved one forcibly, taming him through witchcraft and magic. It's hard to believe, but the horrifying number of such cases suggests that the time of witches and sorcerers has not passed. What to do when a loved one has been magically affected? What are the effective ways to get your husband back?
Determination of magical effects
When love is destroyed, and nothing can affect its preservation, you should not immediately sin on the action of love potions. After all, it also happens that two people, apart from obligations, are no longer connected by anything, and each of them begins to look for his own path. But if nothing prevented family happiness, then it is quite possible that the husband was bewitched. Characteristics of a bewitched man:
1. A man becomes not interested in everything that concerns his family. There is also a lack of interest in their hobbies and interests.
2. Sexual relations disappear, in some cases a man may become impotent.
3. The husband periodically leaves the family, returns and leaves again.
4. A cardinal change in character, frequent mood swings, there is nervousness and apathy towards everything around.
If such changes were nevertheless noticed, then, most likely, the man was bewitched. It can be another woman whom he has aroused sympathy for, or your enemies. It will not be difficult for a mistress to bewitch her husband if she turns to a witch for advice. It is much more difficult to make a lapel, even experienced things agree with this.
Rite of passage with salt
Ancient rituals for the lapel are difficult to implement for a modern woman. Employment at work and household issues does not allow visiting the cemetery in the evenings, growing a plant from seeds or whispering above the ground. Since ancient times, simpler, but no less effective cuffs have been known. Among them is a ritual with salt.
To do this, you need regular table salt. Take two tablespoons of salt in your hand, pouring it from palm to palm, you should read the prayer "Our Father". You also need to ask for salt to take care of family well-being. You need to use it in preparing dishes for your husband. Some sorceresses recommend putting it in more than usual, but it is strictly forbidden to oversalt food. Within a month, positive changes will be noticeable.