There is a sign that you cannot give your husband a watch. She came from China. In this country, this gift is considered to be equivalent to an invitation to a funeral. In Russia, this belief has been slightly modified. Usually they say that if a wife gave her husband a watch, then this reduces his life expectancy or means their soon parting.

Psychological aspects
If a person is vulnerable or suspicious in himself, then a gift in the form of a wristwatch will be a hint for him that he does not value your time at all. If you have not thought about these intentions, try to present this gift in the form of a beautiful attribute that matches his clothes. Otherwise, get ready for big scandals or protests, as your husband will not like such an intention, and he, offended, will not wear the presented watch. Situations are different, for example, if your gift is stylish or expensive, consider that your spouse will be very pleased and the gift will bring him joy.
Clocks often symbolize a person's attachment to time. And for those people who live in an accelerated rhythm, this surprise will only interfere and distract. If your husband very often follows the time, tries to live according to his own biorhythms and rules, or he is strongly tied to the study or work schedule, it will be completely pointless to present this gift. Of course, one cannot say that it will offend him, he just will be indifferent to him.
What to do if you decide to give your husband a watch
If you nevertheless decide to donate a wristwatch, then there are some tips that will help you get around this forbidden topic. There are many people who do not believe in omens at all and think that these are nothing more than ordinary rumors, in which there is absolutely nothing serious. Moreover, if your husband absolutely does not know about this sign, or neither you nor he absolutely do not believe in it, then it is quite possible to hand over a wristwatch as a present. When both of you are superstitious people and believe in everything you can, then you can get around such a prohibition by selling this gift to your husband for a small amount of money. Take money from him, for example, a couple of small denomination coins. In general, from the point of view of signs, and indeed in fact, this thing will be regarded not as a gift, but as an ordinary purchase.
Initially, it is necessary to give a gift to a person from what exactly he loves and what he most needs. If your husband dreamed of a certain watch model, and you wanted to give it to him, then he would rather be delighted than offended. Therefore, to give or not to give a watch is up to you to decide. But remember that the gift should be made with love and from a pure heart, then no superstitions will be afraid of you.