Why You Can't Give Towels

Why You Can't Give Towels
Why You Can't Give Towels

In Russia, since ancient times, the towel has been widely used in various rituals. This seemingly harmless product is associated with many different signs and superstitions that have survived to this day. There is a sign that towels cannot be given or accepted as a gift for a number of reasons.

Why you can't give towels
Why you can't give towels

Funeral towels

Towels were a must and used extensively in funeral rituals. They carried the coffin out of the house on towels and carried it to the cemetery. After the funeral, these towels were hung on the grave cross, and forty days later they were given to the church to commemorate the soul of the deceased. In some places, this tradition has survived to the present day. In cemeteries, you can often see fresh graves with crosses on which white embroidered towels are tied.

Another tradition associated with funerals. In some regions of Russia, it is customary to hang up doors with towels after the body of the deceased has been taken out of the house. In some rural houses, you can still see portraits of deceased relatives, which are framed by embroidered towels.

There is another custom associated with the deceased. On the fortieth day, an embroidered towel was hung from the outside of the window frame. It was believed that the soul of the deceased on this day comes to his home, washes himself with dew and wipes his face with a towel.


It turns out that towels are traditionally a kind of symbol of the road to the other world, therefore, for many modern people, such a gift can cause bewilderment and complete rejection.

Towels for weddings

Towels were also commonly used in wedding rituals. You can even now see on the boyfriend and girlfriend of towels with an ornament, which are tied over the right shoulder, however, now they are often replaced by red ribbons with the inscription "Honorary Witness".

It is difficult to imagine a wedding without an embroidered towel, on which bread and salt is brought out. A wedding towel is also placed in front of the entrance to the house and the newlyweds must necessarily stand on it together so that their joint is happy.


So to give or not to give

Modern terry towels and embroidered towels are completely different things. All towels that used to be used in rituals must certainly be white and with special embroidery. How the towel should be used depends on the embroidered ornaments.


Therefore, it is best to never give away embroidered towels, especially if you do not know the meaning of the patterns.
