As a whole science, the design of clothing has appeared quite recently. Previously, all this was done by eye. However, now modern fashion designers are trying to strictly follow the design rules. After all, this is the only way to ensure that the newly sewn product fits well on the figure.

Step 1
When you start designing clothing parts, remember that your goal at this moment is to develop certain drawings, and then make patterns for cutting the material from them. Since clothes are usually sewn for the mass consumer, and not in a single copy, it is necessary to treat it precisely to the design stage especially carefully. Therefore, a number of requirements are imposed on the design of clothing.
Step 2
Remember that the design of clothing should be such that it can correspond to the model taken as the original, both in silhouette and in shape, decoration and other elements. Do not forget to also take into account the fact that your final products must match the design dimensions when designing the parts. To do this, an ordinary tailor's centimeter will come to your aid in order to carefully measure all the parameters of the figure and clearly display it in the manufactured structure. An equally important factor to consider when designing is wearing comfort. The main thing is that the clothes should be proportional, not pinched, not too loose (if this does not conflict with the original model), etc.
Step 3
When designing clothes, you can combine many different techniques. This can be the alignment of seams, and radial cuts, and the rotation of the drawing at a given angle, and many others. All of them provide the perfect fit for a particular type of product. The main thing is to apply them to the place. For example, matching seams is necessary when you do not want to leave seam allowances in the fabric. But for such a manipulation, you need to very clearly imagine and calculate how the parts of the product will be attached to each other. And the main thing here is not to be mistaken even by a millimeter. Otherwise, the entire product may pucker and wrinkle.
Step 4
Of course, now the design process is facilitated by the fact that each size range has its own standards regarding sizes, styles, etc. Therefore, it remains only to choose the appropriate option and work with it. However, there are times when you need to be creative and apply all your design knowledge.
Step 5
After you clearly and schematically calculate and fit all the details on paper, you can start making patterns, transferring them to fabric, cutting and sewing directly.