A baby sling jacket is a very fashionable and incredibly comfortable thing. You can buy it in a specialty store or sew it yourself. Do-it-yourself clothes will always look original.

Baby sling coat and its purpose
A baby sling jacket is just an outer garment, not a carrier. She does not hold the baby, so the device for the safe carrying of the baby must be purchased separately.
Baby sling is becoming more and more popular. Young mothers have already noticed that it is very convenient and, importantly, safe for the baby himself.
In the winter season, women who carry their babies in an ergonomic backpack or sling scarf find it difficult. Wrapping a scarf over outerwear, for example, is rather inconvenient. A baby sling jacket in this case can become an irreplaceable thing. It is not only comfortable, but also very warm and cozy.
Sewing babywearing jackets
Currently, a slingokurtka and other devices that can make the life of a mother and baby even brighter can be purchased in specialized stores. But many women prefer to sew such things on their own. Sewing jackets with your own hands is much more profitable than purchasing a finished product in a store. In addition, such things look very original.
You can independently make not only a light slingokurt, but also a down jacket designed to be worn in the winter season. The easiest option is to sew a slingshot, which can then be fastened to the outerwear already in the wardrobe.
The babywearing jacket consists of a regular jacket with a supplemented special insert. If necessary, the insert is fastened to the zipper, thanks to which the item acquires additional volume.
The pattern of the slingshot is a long strip of paper, narrowed at the edges and widened in the middle. This shape of the insert contributes to the comfortable wearing of the child under the jacket. In order to sew a slingshot, you need to draw a pattern, transfer it to the fabric and cut a blank out of it. The edges of the workpiece must be processed and zippers sewn to them so that the insert on both sides can be fastened to the zipper on the jacket. The length of the sides of the part to be produced must match the length of the zipper on the jacket.
When sewing a wrap, it is important to choose the right fabric. It is best to choose it to match the things already in the wardrobe. If it is not possible to find the same material, you can sew a contrasting insert. It is important that this part of the fashionable thing is insulated, as it will protect the baby's back from hypothermia.
Mothers who know how and love to sew can sew the whole slingokurt. To do this, you need a pattern for outerwear and instructions for sewing. In this case, the jacket is sewn separately, and the special insert is sewn separately. These two elements must be connected to each other using lightning. A woman can unfasten the insert if she decides to take a walk alone or with a baby in a stroller. In this case, the babywearing jacket will look like a regular outerwear.