Viburnum is considered both a shrub (bush) and a tree. It can grow up to 4 meters in height. Since ancient times, viburnum has been used in ceremonies and rituals; powerful talismans and amulets have been made from it. The plant is applicable in love, protective magic, in healing.

Our ancestors believed that a viburnum bush must grow near the house. At the same time, it was impossible to plant other trees near him, to break flower beds. It was believed that if no one offends the viburnum, if it is carefully looked after, it will cleanse all the space in the yard and in the house from negative energy. In addition, the tree was perceived as a living amulet, protecting from dark forces, troubles and misfortunes, evil people and sorcerers with witches.
From the point of view of protective magic, viburnum protects against evil eyes, damage, curses, hassles, love spells and other negative influences. In the past, shrubs were necessarily planted in cemeteries in order to protect the graves of relatives from the intrigues of black witches who practice cemetery magic.
Viburnum twigs, leaves and flowers, berries are suitable as amulets for personal or for the house. The twigs must be placed in the corners of the rooms or hung from the ceiling, including at the front door. Magicians advise to create beads from berries. They can be worn on their own to protect against energy vampires and the evil eye, or they can be stretched over the entrance to the house. Then the magic viburnum berries will create an invisible barrier for evil spirits and evil forces.

In the old days, the viburnum plant was associated with warmth and love. He has a very clean and soft energy. The tree willingly helps both men and women. To get rid of anxiety, feel a surge of strength, "clear" unpleasant thoughts from your head, you need to hug a tree for a while, cuddle up to it, close your eyes. And ask the viburnum to take away all the sorrows, sorrows and problems. Viburnum "cleans" very carefully and accurately, without causing any discomfort to a person.
Being a tree of love, viburnum in the past and now is actively used in love magic. Special amulets are created from the plant, which should attract new feelings into a person's life, help him meet his soul mate. Also, products from viburnum protect the hearth, kindle passion between spouses, make love relationships light, harmonious.
The ancient Slavs believed that viburnum juice gives youth, beauty, slows down aging. Because the girls often washed them.
Kalina, endowed with magical properties, is ready to share her magical powers with humans. It is believed that the plant helps to develop psychic abilities, enhances intuition. To do this, you must either wear a viburnum talisman under your clothes constantly, or drink a decoction (tea) from bush berries.
This wonderful plant is able to bring a lot of positive changes to life, while protecting against any problems and difficulties. To attract good luck, attract money, you need to carry a piece of viburnum root in your pocket. Previously, it must be soaked in any strong alcoholic beverage during the day. Our ancestors believed that such a kind of amulet contributes to wealth, prosperity, success, helps to make the right decisions and follow the right path in life, without doubting their strengths and abilities. In addition, the viburnum root helps to win in disputes and gambling, to conclude only profitable contracts. It promotes career growth and development.