Gold has been an attribute of wealth, luxury and power since ancient times. It was from gold that crowns, sceptres and other symbols of power were made. The finest gold leaf was most often used to cut costs and decorate large objects.

Step 1
It is not known who first came up with the idea to crack gold down to the thickness of a spider's web. But already hundreds of years ago, gold leaf was used to decorate armor, statues, interiors and exteriors of buildings. For a long time, this material has been closely associated with external decoration or decoration of the front side. The word "tinsel" means "front surface" or "face".
Step 2
In the modern world, gold leaf is still used primarily for jewelry. It is often used for decorating book sections of gift editions, decorating frames, clothes and other things. There are many techniques for fixing gold leaf to the surface - glue, oil, plaster and others.
Step 3
The domes of Orthodox churches and temples are decorated with gold leaf, this is a long and complex process, after covering the dome with this material, it is fixed with a special varnish. As a result, such a coating becomes quite durable and looks great.
Step 4
The gilding technique requires good artistic skills, the right tools, patience, attention and accuracy. Gold leaf is an extremely delicate material that tears very easily.
Step 5
Currently, imitations of other metals and chemical compounds are used instead of gold leaf. This material is called gold leaf. The most commonly used alloys of copper and zinc or silver and aluminum, which are painted with a special yellow varnish after fixing these materials on the product. Gold leaf or gold leaf is often used to decorate luxurious interiors with stucco molding, but in this case it is very important to hire a good designer who can make such an interior sophisticated and sophisticated, rather than gaudy and lurid.
Step 6
In modern kitchens, gold leaf is often used to decorate dishes. It should be noted that this material has long been used to rejuvenate and cleanse the body. Gold leaf has beneficial properties and is anti-allergenic. Regular consumption of a small amount of gold leaf has a beneficial effect on the work of internal organs, improves their blood supply.
Step 7
For culinary purposes, a special, purest "edible gold leaf" is produced. They are used to decorate desserts, add to champagne (it looks very beautiful - golden flakes among small bubbles), in some restaurants you can even order main dishes with the addition of this material. The Japanese believe that it is imperative to eat some gold on New Year's Day, as it will bring good luck and prosperity, and therefore they add gold flakes to sake.