Zamioculcas is the brother of such famous plants as dieffenbachia, anthurium, monstera. Today it is a fashionable plant and it costs a lot of money. Meanwhile, you can grow zamioculcas yourself from a leaf.

Nature has given Zamioculcas an amazing ability to reproduce vegetatively. It can be grown from any part of the plant. The most affordable is to plant a leaf (leaf plate) or a leaf with a petiole.
The best will be the leaves from the lower tier, as they are the most ripe. You should be careful, because all parts of the zamiokulkas have poisonous juice. Torn off leaves wither for several days in the room for the fresh cut to dry. Sprinkle a fresh cut with crushed charcoal or activated charcoal to avoid rot. It is possible to use growth rooters such as root.
Preparing the soil mixture. Clean, slightly moistened river sand or ready-made storey soil for growing cactus plants is suitable. The soil should not be excessively wet. Even in dry sand, rooting will occur.
We deepen the dried leaves superficially, about 1.5 cm. If you cover the planted leaf blades with a jar or organize a "greenhouse", then rooting will go faster. At the same time, excessive moisture must not be allowed.
The process is designed for the patient. Leaf blades take root for a long time, from several months to six months. At the bottom of the leaves, rounded nodules with roots appear. This means that a new plant has been born.
The most comfortable rooting temperature is 20-25 ° C. It is important that the process takes place in the light. The best time to grow is spring - summer.