Papier-mâché is an old and undeservedly forgotten technique. But in a similar way, a variety of things were made: dolls, lacquer boxes, Christmas tree decorations. Let's start our acquaintance with this technique with the simplest form - an Easter egg. Try to master this fun process.

It is necessary
- - plasticine;
- - newspapers;
- - PVA glue;
- - petroleum jelly;
- - a sharp knife;
- - acrylic paints;
- - brushes.
- Fine grit sandpaper
Step 1
First of all, prepare the shape of the future egg. Sculpt a workpiece out of plasticine. You can use the remains of this material in different colors, it does not matter. Try to keep the future egg in the desired shape, and the surface remains as flat as possible.
Step 2
Lubricate the plasticine egg with Vaseline.
Step 3
Start covering it with newsprint. To do this, simply tear off pieces of newspaper no larger than 1 square centimeter and stick to the surface of the workpiece. The paper must be torn off so that the edges are uneven. Stick it like a shingle so that the pieces of newspaper overlap. For the first two or three layers, it is enough to moisten the paper in water. Subsequent apply to PVA glue. Just brush a small area with a brush and stick on the pieces of paper. The more layers you make, the more durable your product will ultimately be. Try to make the last two layers out of white pieces of paper.
Step 4
Leave the resulting structure to dry. This may take several days. Take your time, for further processing the papier-mâché should dry well.
Step 5
Use a very sharp knife to cut open the egg. Take out the plasticine and grease the inner surface with PVA glue. Dry. Now connect the two halves with PVA glue and pieces of newsprint. First glue the pieces along the cut line and then form another layer. If you plan to hang the egg, fit a loop of wire or thick fishing line into the seam. Leave to dry overnight.
Step 6
Sand the carefully dried egg with sandpaper to get rid of any irregularities. Be very careful with light strokes to avoid damaging the egg, especially the seam.
Step 7
Cover the egg with several coats of white acrylic paint. Dry each layer thoroughly. Now you can start painting the egg. Draw any patterns, use all kinds of subjects. Easter eggs will make any of your dreams come true.