Ex-Beatle Sir Paul McCartney has been one of the main romantics on the planet for 50 years. There was a lot of love in the life of the idol of millions and the national treasure of Great Britain. He was officially married three times, but the main women in his life can be called his first wife Linda Eastman and his current wife Nancy Shevell.

First marriage. Linda McCartney
Linda Louise Eastman was born on September 24, 1941 in Scarsdale, New York. After leaving school, the girl chose the profession of a photographer and decided to specialize in rock stars. Before meeting her main destiny, Linda managed to get married and give birth to a daughter, Heather. But the relationship with her first husband quickly ended.
Her first meeting with Paul McCartney, the famous bass player of The Beatles, took place in 1967. Since October 1968, the relationship between the famous musician and the not-so-famous photographer has become permanent. Paul invited the girl to permanently move to him in England.
On March 12, 1969, the lovers played a wedding. Linda completely immersed herself in the affairs of her husband and caring for the family. She did not suffer from excessive ambition, but nevertheless studied backing vocals and playing keyboards, she was also a recognized artist and photographer.

In the marriage, two daughters, Mary and Stella, were first born, and in 1977, the long-awaited son, James Louis McCartney, appeared in the family of Paul and Linda. The couple got along well with each other and never parted, in all difficult moments Linda was next to her husband.
For many years, the family led a purely righteous lifestyle, they were vegetarians and actively helped organizations that fight for the preservation of wildlife. The tragedy cut short family happiness. On April 17, 1998, Linda died in Paul's arms from cancer. Linda McCartney was a wonderful wife and mother.
Second marriage. Heather Mills
Heather Mills was born on January 12, 1968 in the North East of England. At the age of 20, she started working in the modeling business. In August 1993, a tragedy happened to the girl, as a result of an injury, her leg was amputated. Since then, Mills has worn a prosthesis.
In late 1999, Heather met Paul McCartney. Their relationship developed rapidly and on June 11, 2002, they got married. The only child in the marriage, Beatrice Millie McCartney, was born on October 28, 2003.
Heather was distinguished by a rather hot-tempered character, often allowing herself to break down on her husband. After living for several years, Heather realized that the gap was inevitable, and decided to get the most out of herself, to squeeze more money out of her husband for her further maintenance. On February 31, 2007, court hearings began on their divorce, as a result of which Heather Mills sued Paul McCartney for £ 25 million.

Third marriage. Nancy Shevell
Nancy Shevell was born on January 1, 1960 in Edison, New Jersey, to a wealthy Jewish businessman. The girl graduated from Arizona State University in the field of transportation with a bachelor's degree.
Paul McCartney met Nancy back in the late 80s. Shevell's character has much in common with McCartney's first wife Linda. Both of them grew up on the East Coast in the United States, and both come from a wealthy and well-educated background. Like Linda, Nancy at one time suffered from cancer, she had breast cancer. Fortunately, she managed to recover.
At some point, Paul saw Nancy in a new light. It was officially announced that Nancy and Paul were dating in 2008. Their engagement was announced on May 6, 2011. This relationship received the approval of the musician's children.

However, Sir Paul McCartney, who was burned in his second marriage, is rumored to have again refused to enter into a prenuptial agreement. The wedding of 69-year-old Paul and 51-year-old Nancy took place on October 9, 2011 in London.
The celebration took place in a narrow circle of relatives and friends, a total of 30 people were invited. About 50 thousand pounds sterling was spent on the wedding. The celebration took place in the Old Marylebone Town Hall in London, that is, in the same place where the first wedding of Paul McCartney and Linda Eastman took place.
Moreover, the day before, Paul and Nancy visited the synagogue to conduct a wedding ceremony in accordance with the traditions of Judaism, it was the desire of the bride. After the official wedding, Nancy received the right to be called Lady McCartney, because Paul was knighted.
Despite the misadventures in his second marriage, Sir Paul has now found peace in his heart and family. Nancy supports her husband in everything and shows her love for both her husband and his children.