How To Play A Sleeper

How To Play A Sleeper
How To Play A Sleeper

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A meeting of a group of friends rarely goes without jokes and practical jokes. For example, there are many ways to laugh at a sleeping person. Some of them are quite harmless, while others can seriously hurt a person.

How to play a sleeper
How to play a sleeper


Step 1

Move the sleeper to another location. Gently take him and move him to another room or to another bed. The most convenient way to do this is by grasping the mattress. Carry gently so as not to wake up. It will be interesting to watch his reaction upon waking, especially if you tell him that he was in that place and went to bed.

Step 2

Tie the sleeper to the bed. The best way to do this is with toilet paper, which is cheap and tears easily. If you wrap a sleeping friend from head to toe, he will look like a mummy.

Step 3

The old grandfather's way is to tie his shoe laces together. Do it carefully. This method is especially effective when a person sleeps in shoes. Then, upon waking up, he most likely will not suspect a trick.

Step 4

Other draws are also held with shoes. For example, you can change the sleeper's shoes for exactly the same, but a couple of sizes smaller. When, waking up, he will be puzzled to put on his shoes, suppose that his legs grew during sleep. This joke was especially relevant in Soviet times, when the range of shoes was not very diverse.

Step 5

Another trick with shoes is to put something in it. For example, eggs or a pea. In general, this joke is not distinguished by its humanity and can lead to damage to shoes, so it is better not to use it.

Step 6

Wear a blindfold or dark glasses on the sleeper. In this case, when he wakes up, he will at first be surprised and a little scared.

Step 7

Spreading something on the sleeping person is another classic prank version. For this, use, for example, toothpaste or tomato paste. When he wakes up in ketchup, he may think that he is bleeding. However, remember that prolonged exposure of the toothpaste to the skin will cause burns.

Step 8

Turn the sleeping person into a funny pose, put something ridiculous next to him, dress him up in unusual clothes and take a photo. Print out a photo in a couple of days and give it to him, preferably in a frame. The rally succeeds only with very soundly sleeping people.
