Padmasana or "Lotus position" is one of the main elements in yoga. This body position is classic for meditation, as it calms the mind and flesh, is suitable for concentration, calming, and brings the body into energy balance. Some of the students sit in padmasana right away, but, as a rule, people need time to master it and develop muscles, ligaments and joints. How to learn the Lotus position?

Step 1
Master the pose gradually. Start with preparatory exercises to stretch your ligaments and develop flexibility.
To stretch the muscles in the back of your legs, bend forward while sitting on the floor. If possible, touch your knees or shins with your forehead.
Bend your legs and bring your feet together. Spread your knees to the sides as much as possible and move your feet to the groin area. Make some slow bends. Observe the muscle tension, but avoid pain.
Step 2
To develop flexibility in the knee and ankle joints, sit on the floor with your legs extended forward and your lower back arching. Bend your left leg and place your foot on your right thigh, preferably with the sole up. If it is difficult to get into this position, press the toe and heel against the inner surface of the right leg, closer to the groin area.
With your right hand, hold the toe of the bent leg, and with your left, press on the knee, making a series of slow and smooth movements. Ideally, your left knee will be on the ground, and you lean forward and reach the floor with your forehead. Mirror exercise for the right leg.
Step 3
Now move on to the Lotus position. It is important that your back and spinal column are straight while sitting on the floor. Bend your lower back and stretch the top of your head up.
Bend your left leg at the knee, placing its foot in the hip bend or on the thigh of the right leg, turn the foot up. While doing this, your left knee should be pressed to the ground. Relax your muscles. Do the same with your right leg: bend it at the knee and place your foot on your left thigh. Keep both knees flat on the floor.
Step 4
Try to mentally relax all the tight spots. Don't forget to breathe calmly.
Hands in this position are turned with palms towards the sky and lie relaxed on your knees. The thumbs and forefingers of both hands close and form the letter "o".
For prolonged meditation, you can use small pillows or sit on a rug under your pelvis and knees. It is allowed to cover the legs with a blanket to relieve muscle tension.
Step 5
Having mastered the Lotus position technically, proceed to meditation. Stop the flow of thoughts by shifting the focus from the outside to the inside. Your goal is an even, stable, peaceful state. Observe how the energy from the tailbone rises up the spinal column to the back of the head.
The duration of the meditation is from five minutes to several hours. As you come out of the pose, relax for a while, lying on your back with your legs extended.