In Egypt, it is believed that the lotus flower is a symbol of youth, as it has anti-aging properties. In India, it is called the source of creativity. For Buddhists, it symbolizes water, which carries the meaning of spiritual development and wisdom. The origami lotus flower will be a wonderful gift for loved ones.

Necessary materials
To make a lotus from origami modules, you need to prepare 12 rectangles of paper and thread in color. The rectangles should be 7, 5 by 13, 5 cm in size. If you want to highlight the petals of a flower, then you need to take 4 green leaves and 8 white sheets. In the process of making the lotus, the mountain fold and the valley fold will be used, which are the traditional basic forms of origami. It is also possible to apply simple bends back and forth.
Making a lotus petal
First, a rectangle of green paper is taken and folded in half horizontally, that is, a valley fold is performed. After that, the half is folded back. On the right side, the upper corner is bent exactly to the fold line. In the same way, you need to do with the rest of the corners of the workpiece.
To make them the same, you need to measure the same distance. Then the upper part is divided in half horizontally and bent. Similar actions are carried out with the lower part. After that, it is necessary to make a fold of the mountain - the central fold, made earlier, bends up. It turns out an element called a boat. The lotus petal is ready.
We collect the flower
First, boats are made from the rest of the rectangles. Then these flower details need to be planted one on top of the other, 3 pieces each so that the green element is located below. As a result, you should get 4 combined parts. Next, you need to link them. For this, a thread is taken to match the color of the petals, in this case, the thread is white, folded in several layers for strength.
After that, you need to distribute the petals symmetrically. The upper petals are bent through one towards the center. There should be 4 of them. Similar actions are performed with the missing 4 upper petals. In order for the lotus to be voluminous, it is worth following exactly this sequence.
The middle petals are folded back in the same way after one. The last layer of green leaves must be bent to the center in random order. The flower is ready. Its sizes may vary. The main thing is to observe the proportions.
Origami lotus will be a wonderful decoration when setting a table or a gift for the holidays. To prevent the flower from being crumpled, you need to bend the petals very delicately. The lotus itself may have a different color. It depends on the preference of the manufacturer.