It sounds tempting to create your own cinema at home. And the best part is that this result can be achieved quite easily. You won't have to take a large plasma TV on credit, because the main feature of the cinema is not a wide screen, but high-quality and surround sound. Depending on your speaker system, try making one at home.

Step 1
Prepare to set up. Purchase speaker risers and an extension cord if needed. To find out if you need it or not, try moving a couple of speakers to different corners of the room. If there is enough wire, you do not have to buy an additional one.
Step 2
Install the kit in a staggered manner if your system includes two speakers and one subwoofer. Place the subwoofer in the center. It is desirable that it is pushed forward a little, this will allow the sound and air flow of the bass to reach the listener at the same time. By ear, you will not immediately notice the difference, but you will feel it when watching an action movie.
Step 3
Install the speakers themselves on opposite sides of the TV screen and as far away from each other as possible. This will make the sound spacious and lively. Align them with the racks and secure them approximately at the level of the seated person's head. In case you want to have a noisy party, and the speakers are not large enough, you should raise them to the level of a standing person.
Step 4
Install two speakers behind your back, if you have 4 pieces. Try to keep the front and front speakers facing each other. Otherwise, an imbalance will appear in the sound and disturb the perception.
Step 5
Place the main speaker straight in front of the seated person. This is the best option for a complete set of 5 speakers and a subwoofer. This will make it easier for you to achieve the desired "cinematic" sound. All you need to do is follow the instructions above and figure out the settings.