There are many options to make the sun. The main thing is only to decide in what specific form you want to get it, and then it all depends on your imagination.

It is necessary
Step 1
It is very difficult to make a real sun because of its exorbitant weight - you simply cannot lift it. But if the task is not to make the sun in full size, then there is a way out. You can make a layout for it. If you install the resulting model on a stand and apply a current to it, then when you turn on the light bulb, you will get a completely believable dummy of the sun.
Step 2
You can make a sun-crown. To do this, cut out a semicircle with plump rays from thin cardboard, paint it bright yellow. Make a small hole on each edge, insert and secure a thin elastic band. This kind of sun will complete your daughter's costume at the kindergarten masquerade.
You can make a sun-panel. To do this, lay out the outline of the sun from small stones over, for example, the sea. A piece of blue fabric can safely play the role of the sea. Now paint the stones from which the sun is laid out with golden spray paint. If such a panel is framed, then it will become a wonderful interior decoration or a lovely gift.
Step 3
If you feel confident with plastic, then you can blind a little sun with beams of different sizes. Heat it in the oven to harden. It will be even more unusual to paint in any colors, even completely non-sunny ones. Now drill a small hole in the upper part of the sun, thread a suede cord through it. The result is a wonderful decoration that will add originality to your image and show everyone your skill and invention.