Ekaterina Klimova can be safely called an adornment of Russian cinema and theater. But she is not only a wonderful actress, but also a mother of many children, a woman with a strong character, wayward and eccentric. Catherine was married three times, and three times was sincerely sure that this man was the only one who was destined for her by fate.

Clever, beautiful, talented actress with excellent vocal skills - this is all about her, about Ekaterina Klimova. In her professional piggy bank there are more than 50 film roles, work on the theatrical stage in classical and modern productions, entreprise. And in Catherine's personal piggy bank there are three marriages and four beautiful children. Who are they - the husbands of this amazing woman? Why did marriages break up?
Ekaterina Klimova - actress, wife, mother
Ekaterina is a Muscovite. She was born in January 1978 in the family of an artist and a housewife. Katya's childhood cannot be called cloudless. The girl's father was convicted of murder when she was very young, and returned to the family when her daughter was 13.
Difficulties Catherine helped to overcome the steel rod in her character, she differed from her peers by purposefulness, some eccentricity and willfulness inherited from her gypsy grandmother.

It was these character traits that helped her to take place in the profession, but interfered with in her personal life. The actress herself admits that she is in love, does not know how to hide her feelings and rushes into a new relationship, as if into a whirlpool. This was the reason for her two divorces, although Katya herself recognizes only one romance "on the side", which happened to her future second husband during her first marriage.
Who are they - the husbands of actress Ekaterina Klimova? Did they leave her themselves or was Katya initiating the divorce?
The first husband of Ekaterina Klimova - Ilya Voroshilov
Ekaterina Klimova met her first husband when she was in high school. His name was Ilya Khoroshilov. He is a famous jeweler, dabbled in acting, but eventually chose a business.
Ilya made a marriage proposal to Catherine immediately after the girl graduated from school. Family life was going well, a daughter, Elizabeth, was born in the marriage.
Scandals in the Khoroshilov-Klimov family began at a time when Catherine's career was gaining momentum. Ilya did not "find himself" in acting, refused to accept and understand the constant traveling and employment of his wife.
In 2004, Ekaterina and Ilya filed for an official divorce. They parted with a scandal, but later established a relationship. Ilya takes an active part in raising his daughter. Moreover, Catherine is friends with his common-law wife, actress Elena Biryukova.
The second husband of Ekaterina Klimova - Igor Petrenko
The affair with Petrenko with Ekaterina Klimova began when she was still the wife of Ilya Khoroshilov. Young people starred together in the movie "Moscow Windows", where they played a couple in love. Passion quickly moved from the set to real life, but Katya did not leave the family. She ended her relationship with Igor, decided not to destroy the family, but a year after the breakup she returned to her lover again.

When Igor a year after the breakup called Katya again, her relationship with Ilya Khoroshilov had already cracked, there was nothing to save. Ekaterina and Igor moved together, after the divorce was formalized, they formalized their relationship. They lived together for almost 10 years, they had two sons - Matvey and Roots.
The couple seemed happy, their relationship was an example for other star families. The news of the divorce of Petrenko and Klimova in 2014 became a real sensation. Articles appeared in the media that Catherine had cheated on her second husband, which caused the breakup. The couple did not confirm or refute these speculations.
The third husband of actress Ekaterina Klimova - Gela Meskhi
After the second divorce, Catherine was not alone for long. In the summer of 2015, she remarried. The chosen one was a colleague "in the shop" - the actor Gela Meskhi. According to him, he sought Katya's location for a long time, looked after her beautifully, made several proposals to marry him. As a result, Katya gave up - the couple signed on June 5.
The newly-made spouses did not have a magnificent wedding. There were many reasons - constant employment, since both Gela and Catherine are in-demand actors, unwillingness to attract the attention of journalists to the event, which is fraught with new rumors and speculation.
But rumors appeared. A few months after the wedding, the couple had a daughter, Isabella. Journalists rushed to cover this event, built the assumption that Catherine was unfaithful to her second husband from Meskhi. The actress again did not want to comment on newspaper speculations about her personal life.
Three years later, the Meskhi-Klimov couple again became the "hero" of the newspaper pages. The media wrote that the couple broke up, the spouses unsubscribed from each other in social networks, and there are no new joint photos of them anywhere. Gela and Katya only brush aside questions on this topic. Fans can only guess if their favorites got divorced or they are still together.