Klimova Ekaterina's Husband: Photo

Klimova Ekaterina's Husband: Photo
Klimova Ekaterina's Husband: Photo

Ekaterina Klimova is one of the brightest actresses in Russian cinema. Constant attention is riveted to her person. Fans are interested not only in Catherine herself, but also in her husband, the young actor Gela Meskhi.

Klimova Ekaterina's husband: photo
Klimova Ekaterina's husband: photo

Several years ago, Ekaterina Klimova divorced actor Igor Petrenko. Igor is a media personality, his career includes dozens of brilliant roles. Partly in his employment and excessive popularity, and was the reason for the break with Catherine. The current spouse of the actress can be called a beginner, but a very promising actor. Gela Meskhi does not like to be in sight and does not attract the attention of others. Perhaps that is why his personality is of great interest among fans.

early years

Gela Meskhi was born in Moscow. His mother is a Muscovite, and his father is Georgian, to whom the boy owes his unusual name and surname. The family lived very simply, both parents are representatives of blue-collar occupations. Gela's childhood was the same as that of thousands of ordinary boys: school, endless games in the yard, a sports section. Gela was the undisputed leader and a real bully, but in high school, creative inclinations began to appear in him and he increasingly began to take part in school activities. It was during the preparation of school performances that the young man realized how much he liked the scene.


The desire to enter a theater university was quite logical, although the guy had neither connections nor special training. He had nothing to risk, so he immediately swung at the Moscow Art Theater. Konstantin Raikin listened to Meskhi and immediately accepted him on the course.

Gela Meskhi has an atypical appearance. Statuesque, memorable, textured: this type is a real find for cinema. He was compared with the young Sergei Bezrukov, the actors actually look alike both in appearance and in their expressive, soulful manner of acting.

At the Moscow Art Theater, Meskhi enjoyed obvious favor from Konstantin Raikin. already during his studies, he took part in theatrical performances "Valencian Mad Men" and "Silence is Gold". In addition, the director even entrusted him with the role of Hamlet - a part that even adult actors dream of. In 2009, after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater, Meskhi was recruited to the theater. Stanislavsky. It is known in theatrical circles that this place is the strongest school of skill, where it is extremely difficult for actors to work. However, Gela coped with this load perfectly, giving all the best on stage. That is why he has long made a name for himself in the theatrical world, having received the status of one of the most talented and promising stage masters.

Film career

In the cinema, Meskhi still does not turn out so brilliantly. Yes, all of his few roles are just excellent: critics vying with each other sing the praises of the actor, and the audience admires his brilliant performance. However, at the moment, his talent has not yet sounded in the corresponding film material. Gela Meskhi easily agrees to shoot in high-quality serials, because this work is well paid. But still, serials are not a full meter, where Meskhi will certainly show himself in the near future.

Of course, there are also full-length films in Meskhi's filmography. The first film with his participation was released in 2010. It was a supporting role in the film "Adult daughter, or Test for..", but even in this work Meskhi showed himself very brightly.

In the same year, Meskhi had another landmark shooting. Director Yuri Kara was so impressed by the role of Hamlet played by Gela that without hesitation he invited him to his film "Hamlet XXI Century", in which the classic Shakespearean tragedy was rethought in a modern way.

Released in 2011, the series "Physics and Chemistry" became a turning point in the actor's film career. After this scandalous role, Gela Meskhi began to be recognized everywhere.


In 2013, Meskhi starred in the film by Sergei Ginzburg "The Son of the Father of Nations", where he played the son of Stalin. For this role, the actor had to gain 10 kg and give all his best during filming. However, Gela is grateful for such harsh conditions, since, according to him, this is one of the few films that he is proud of.

Ironically, the former and current husband of Ekaterina Klimova met on the set. Igor Petrenko and Gela Meskhi starred together in "Black Cat" - a multi-part story telling about the activities of a criminal gang, known to viewers from the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed". By the way, in this picture the actors played antagonists who are fighting for the love of one girl.

Gela Meskhi repeatedly met on the set with Katya Klimova. First of all, it would be the series "Wolf Sun", after which the actors and began an affair. One of the recent works is the series "Guardian", which tells about the investigation of the robbery of the grave of a war hero.

Personal life

At one time, when Ekaterina Klimova divorced Igor Petrenko, every step of the spouses was covered in detail in the media. Gela Meskhi, despite the specifics of her profession, is a less public person. He rarely gives interviews, rarely appears in public, and very discreetly maintains accounts on social networks. His marriage to Klimova came as a surprise to the public. Gela is 8 years younger than Catherine, but this age difference is imperceptible, since the actress, being a mother of four children, looks just amazing.

Gela and Katerina's daughter Bella is growing up. In addition, the actor found a common language with Klimova's three children from previous marriages.

Gela Meskhi is not only a talented actor, but also an artist. He has long been fond of painting and plans to organize a personal exhibition in the future.
