It is easy to find famous people on social networks, send them a message, chat. But every celebrity on the network has clones, that is, fake accounts created by completely strangers. It often happens that a person is not only called by a false name, but also communicates, asks to add a rating, gifts. To distinguish a star from a clone, follow these simple rules.

Step 1
While on the VKontakte social network, pay attention to the presence of a check mark next to the celebrity's name. From 01.12.2011, account verification was introduced, and if a famous person has filled in the necessary information, there will be a check mark next to her name. Dmitry Medvedev, Yuri Shevchuk, Victoria Daineko, Tina Kandelaki were among the first to check the boxes.
Step 2
In the social network, it is customary to place the star's avatar in a frame. But do not blindly trust people whose photos are framed, as it is very easy to fake such a photo.
Step 3
Find the official website of the celebrity. It will definitely contain coordinates in social networks and links to groups, if, of course, the person is registered there.
Step 4
Pay attention to the presence of videos and photos, and not only official ones from the site, but also home ones, from personal life. Please note that both photos and videos can be copied from a real account or website. Often on their page, stars post a video in which they report the authenticity of this particular account.
Step 5
See if a celebrity is surfing the internet a lot. A real idol cannot devote much time to social networks, he will not sit on the network for days on end, make endless friends, comment on other people's photos or statuses.
Step 6
Doubt if you are a real star after asking for a vote in a duel, a sticker, or other similar requests. This is a real clone if spam has started from this address.
Step 7
Most often, teenagers who have not yet established their own life and personality are registered under the name of a star. Therefore, pay attention to the literacy of the "star" - grammatical errors, the complete absence of punctuation indicate that this is a student or a schoolgirl.
Step 8
View the celebrity's account. The real "star" will never give his phone number, while clones often indicate a fake one. A famous person often has other celebrities in his friends, and real ones.