Many hunters exhibit their trophies at home or in country estates, this tradition has centuries-old roots, and therefore its foundations are passed on from generation to generation. beginner hunters, as a rule, go for a bird, the first prey of a professional is an elk. it is customary to make his stuffed animal independently, but under the guidance of an experienced master. Perhaps the most interesting and difficult thing is to make the horns of an animal.

Step 1
For the elk skull, you will need a large, special container. Keep in mind that the structure of its horns will make it difficult for you to immerse yourself in boiling water. An ordinary round container will not work, because the horns themselves will be exposed to the temperature effect of the steam, and will change their original color and structure. The same negative consequences will be when processing a trophy at the stake. Therefore, where the horns bite into the edges of the container, make grooved slots so that you can put the lid on.
Step 2
Pick up a container. The skull should fit freely in it. In the place where the horns lie on the edge of the container, make a slot, the size of which should be larger than the base of the horns. Make sure that the rosettes of the horns go out. If in the future you come across a younger animal, and the rosettes of its horns will be located closer to the base of the skull, fall into the container, then tie the rosettes around the rosettes. So you will ensure that the skull, although not all immersed in boiling water, will boil well, and the horns will retain their natural color.
Step 3
If you are in the field, then use a blowtorch, always with a guide nozzle for the container. You can make a special oven out of metal or brick. This procedure should be included in the services of the forestry administration, so it is better to ask before the hunt if the farm has a device for pretreating trophies.
Step 4
If you want to create classic moose antlers with a bleached skull placed on a medallion, then the above tips are for you. If you plan to make the horns of the moose together with the head, then make sure that when cutting the carcass, first make a circular cut on the skin in the area behind the shoulder blades of the animal. Then remove it with a stocking to your head. If it is not possible to immediately start taxidermy work, then remove the skin completely in the usual way, making an upper incision from the shoulder blades to the horns. Then make a dovetail incision followed by an incision around the horns, around the eyes and around the lips.
Step 5
After boiling the elk antlers, degrease them, bleach them and start arranging them. Please note that the elk skull is large, so it is not left intact. Make a standard section of the elk skull in the middle of the eye socket, keeping the nasal bones.
Step 6
Go to making a medallion. Its thickness can be different, from 30 to 50 mm, depending on the type of elk. Do not carve the medallions, only slightly decorate the lower half of them. In addition to expensive tree species, you can take a veneer covering. Attach the horns to the medallion with two bolts. Drill blind holes on the reverse side at the base of the horns, cut a thread.