Elk is one of the largest animals in the northern and middle latitudes, a representative of the deer family. Its weight often reaches from 200 to 500 kg. Experienced hunters know several ways to find moose.

Step 1
Inspect the area carefully. Elks leave visible and varied tracks throughout the year. It is by them that one can determine about his long and short movements and about all the changes in the seasonal life of the animal. The heavy and sharp hooves of a tall elk leave footprints both along the black trail and in the snow in winter. The step of the animal is long. The footprint is much larger than that of a domestic cow's hooves.
Step 2
Please note that moose leave large piles of droppings in resting and winter grazing areas. They are large brown-brown nuts. Piles are stored for a long time, so you can use them to determine the places of elk migrations and winter camps.
Step 3
In mid-September, try to find a moose by groaning. It was during this period that the rut of animals by hunters began. As a rule, moose begin to moan with the very sunrise. During the rut, moose, without fear, break tree branches with their horns and walk through the forest with a loud crash. Therefore, approaching them at a distance of less than 1 km, you can easily hear the animal. Please note: elk's hearing is very well developed. Inexperienced hunters, the animal can easily hear.
Step 4
Get ready to hunt for moose ahead of time. To do this, one hour before dawn, arrive at the intended location of the animal. Take a good look around. Fresh tracks, broken bushes will serve as a sure sign of the presence of elk. Carefully move along more often, listening attentively and vigilantly peering into the depths of the forest.
Step 5
If you or your companion can imitate the voice of a bull, play these sounds occasionally. Animals are attracted by the possibility of a rival's presence. Moose are more willing to play this sound. Do not be alarmed if an animal suddenly appears in front of you.
Step 6
If you hear signs of an animal nearby, hide. Break the dry branch of the tree. Give the voice of a bull and be ready every second to meet a moose.