Elk is not an animal that is often drawn and recognizable. Like a piglet or a bunny, for example. Elk is a dignified personality, impressive, requiring an appropriate approach to his person. But in fact, drawing it is not as difficult as it seems at first. You just need to understand the scheme.

It is necessary
Pencil, eraser, sheet of paper, compasses if desired
Step 1
Mark for yourself the approximate dimensions of the future elk, putting barely noticeable dots to indicate the height, length, width. Focus on your designations so that the drawing is as proportional as possible.
Step 2
Draw an oval for the head. It can be parallel to the horizon or at an upward or downward angle. It depends on what your moose will be doing - chewing grass, looking ahead or looking at, for example, the moon and stars.
Step 3
At some distance from the head, draw two more ovals, overlapping slightly each other like Olympic rings. This will be the torso. You marked the front and back with ovals.
Step 4
Now use two lines to connect the head oval to the front torso oval. The neck of an elk should not be too thin, but it should also not be made too wide - like an elephant. Make the lines slightly concave, rather than straight, to make the neck appear mobile - capable of bending and arching.
Step 5
Now the legs. They should be about half the length of the body. Mark the approximate borders with dots. In the area where the knees of the front hooves should be, draw two ovals next to a small gap. Add two hooves just below.
Step 6
Mark two more ovals or circles where the hind hooves should be. They must be placed on the same visual line with the front ones - right with right, left with left. Draw the knees of the hind legs not exactly above the hooves, but slightly to the right.
Step 7
Connect the knees and hooves of the front legs with straight lines. From the knees to the body, draw lines at a slight angle, as if in triangles - from the beginning of the front oval to the left edge of the knee, from the middle of the front oval to the right edge of the knee. It's the same with the second hoof. When you erase the extra strokes with the eraser, you will see that your moose has taken a small step forward or backward.
Step 8
From the beginning and from the middle of the rear oval, draw connecting lines to the knee of the right hind leg, and then in a zigzag pattern, continue to the hoof. Draw the left leg starting a line from the middle and end of the back oval.
Step 9
Go back to the head. Draw the outlines of the horns. To do this, draw strokes starting from the last third of the head oval slightly up and back - this is the basis for the left horn. Draw another such line just above - this will be the right horn.
Step 10
Give a clearer outline to the head, highlighting the frontal part, nose, mouth, eyes. The muzzle of a moose is shaped like a huge unpeeled peanut. Draw the ears: in shape they are like petals and not very large.
Step 11
Finish the horns. The horns of a moose are similar to the wings of a dragon or a bat, or to the skeleton of these very wings only in the opposite direction.
Step 12
Outline the clear outline of the animal, erasing the extra lines. Select the abdomen by drawing a concave line from the front to the back, and draw in the tail. It is imperative to focus on the withers - an elk, unlike a deer or horse, is slightly hunchbacked.
Step 13
Give the moose some volume with light shading - select the hind thigh, the curves of the neck. Under the neck, under the belly, under the tail, mark the fur - the elk has a rather shaggy coat. Add shadows under the torso and under the legs.
Step 14
Now you can color the moose with colored pencils if you wish. But the richness of the color of the elk does not differ - you cannot go for a walk here. The main color is brown, black, beige, yellow can be useful for shading and shading.