How To Make A Pike Grenade

How To Make A Pike Grenade
How To Make A Pike Grenade

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Many experienced anglers say with confidence that it is simply pointless to go to a pike reservoir without a zerlitsa (live bait rod). Their opinion is quite justified, because a stake driven in at an angle and a stallion attached to it with a playing bait can attract the attention of a predator and induce it to attack the bait. Considering the instinctive behavior of a pike in any body of water, the girder can really be called the most catchy pike tackle.

How to make a pike grenade
How to make a pike grenade

It is necessary

  • - a plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters;
  • - a sharp knife;
  • - awl;
  • - fishing line or braid;
  • - white and red paint;
  • - tee;
  • - sinker.


Step 1

If, while relaxing on the shore of the reservoir, you saw how successful fishermen easily pull out very well-fed and large pikes from the water, and you suddenly felt a strong desire to fish, but there was no fishing tackle at hand, do not despair. Make a pike trap with your own hands and join the lucky ones.

Step 2

Get on the shore of the pond or look in your backpack for a regular plastic bottle, preferably 1.5 liters. It is she who will play the role of the basis for your future zherlitsa.

Step 3

Use a sharp knife to cut the bottle in half. As a result of these actions, you should get 2 elements: 1 bottom and 1 top part with a lid. Lower the top of the bottle into the bottom of the bottle so that the cap touches the bottom of the container.

Step 4

Using an awl, pierce the top of the bottle, namely its cork. In the neck itself, it is also necessary to make two holes necessary to secure the main working line. A hole should be made in the lower part of the bottle - in the very center of its bottom.

Step 5

Start collecting the zherlitsa. Thread the line or braid through the hole in the bottom. This will transform the bottom of the bottle into the top of the vents. Next, on one side of the fishing line, make a loop necessary to attach the girdle to the stick, on the other, tie a knot. Run the line through the bottle cap. So, the part that once served as the neck of the container will turn into the lower half of the zherlitsa. Tie another knot from the finished knot at a distance of 15-20 cm.

Step 6

Now fasten the working line to the holes made earlier in the neck of the bottle, wind the required amount of it together with a sinker and a tee. The final stage in the manufacture of the summer vest will be the placement of its lower part into the upper one.

Step 7

The principle of operation of the resulting zerlitsa is extremely simple. As soon as the pike attacks the bait, the lower part of the device will fly out of its top. This will be the signal for you to take action. By the way, for greater convenience, the upper part of the vest can be painted white, and the lower one - red.

Step 8

If you want to use your hand-made gutter further, in order not to damage its structure during transportation and storage, just turn its lower part, mark the weight and tee in the glass and insert the resulting structure into the upper part of the gutter.

Step 9

A pike gag from a plastic bottle is a lightweight, convenient, and also very cheap fishing tackle that even an inexperienced angler can make without any problems.
