Growing indoor violets is exciting. Few plants bloom so profusely and for a long time, have many different shapes and colors. But if you take care of them incorrectly, you can not wait for flowering at all.

Seat selection
It is very important to choose the right place for the flower. It must necessarily be light, protected from drafts.
The windowsill will suit the east or west, in this case the sun's rays will fall on the flower only in the morning hours, they will not bring harm.
The southern window is strongly discouraged, the midday sun will burn the leaves. If there are many damaged areas, the violet will lack nutrients and die. If there are no other options at all, you can install a protective screen for the flower. The approximate density of the material for the screen is like a gauze folded in two.
On the northern windowsill, the violet often lacks lighting, the flowering time is significantly reduced. In some cases, the violet does not bloom at all.
When located in the back of the room, it is necessary to provide the flower with additional artificial lighting. The violet will not bloom in a dark room.
Top dressing
It is not necessary to feed the violet often, but regularly. The first feeding is done two or three months after the transplant. For this period, the nutrients contained in the soil are quite enough for her. In the future, the amount of dressings depends on the selected fertilizer. The recommended number is usually indicated in the manufacturer's instructions.
For top dressing, fertilizers are used, created for Saintpaulias or others, marked "For flowering". The dosage is usually indicated on the package; you cannot exceed the amount recommended by the manufacturer.
Improper watering can destroy the plant, it is very important to observe the following rule - water should not fall on the leaves. They can rot. In practice, this is not easy to do - the leaves of an adult violet tightly cover the soil in the pot. There are several watering options:
- With a watering can;
- Into the pallet;
- Wick watering.
In the first case, you need to choose a watering can with a narrow, long spout. The leaves are gently lifted, the spout is pointed down and watered slowly. For convenience, you can remove one of the lower leaves that interfere with watering. The disadvantage of this method is that it takes a lot of time and effort. In addition, it is often necessary to clean up spilled water. If there are a lot of plants, this is irrational.
Watering into the pallet does not have this drawback, the process is very fast. But this method can be used only if the air temperature around the plant is above 20 degrees. If the room is colder, the root system can rot due to excess moisture.
Wick watering is the best option. It can be used at any time of the year. The watering process takes a couple of minutes, just add water to the container. The essence of this method is that the water from the container moistens the wicks, that is, the threads directed into the pot. The moisture from the wicks evenly and constantly wets the soil.
It is not difficult to arrange it. The container with water must be higher than the pots so that the liquid goes down. I tie the wicks, dense cotton threads into a bundle, which is dipped into the water. Each wick is lowered into the pot so that it touches the ground.