An unpretentious flower called Kalanchoe, whose homeland is Madagascar, helps to lift a person's mood and increases vitality. Some varieties of Kalanchoe are medicinal and have an antibacterial effect, purify the air from dust. In order for this plant to feel good at home, it is necessary to properly care for it.

Lighting for Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe loves bright sunlight, so it should be placed on a windowsill from the sunny south side. The flower will bloom profusely if its daylight hours lasts about 12 hours, therefore, in summer, you should shorten the daylight hours and remove the Kalanchoe in the shade, and in winter, on the contrary, illuminate with artificial lighting.
The temperature for Kalanchoe should be at least 12 degrees. Humidity is best low to moderate.
Soil for growing Kalanchoe
Combine sand and turf soil in equal amounts. You can also add small amounts of peat, leafy soil and humus. Lay drainage at the very bottom of the pot, which can be used as brick chips or ordinary charcoal.
Top dressing for Kalanchoe
In order for this plant to please you at home, you must not forget about feeding. Kalanchoe requires regular flower fertilization. You need to feed the flower once every 2 weeks.
Watering Kalanchoe
In summer, the amount of watering increases, in cold weather it decreases. Remember that the flower itself can control the supply of moisture, accumulating it in the stems and leaves, so moderate watering is required for the Kalanchoe.
Transplantation and reproduction of Kalanchoe
In most cases, Kalanchoe reproduces both by leaf method and by cuttings.
You can use the method of growing Kalanchoe from seeds. Plant the seeds between January and March in a container that needs to be covered with glass on top. Remember to ventilate your plant and water it moderately to avoid dry soil. The glass can only be removed when shoots appear.
Also, that you can remove the glass, you will be prompted by the fact that the first leaves will appear on the shoots. This plant grows very quickly and forms new leaves, so it must be pinched regularly, leaving only a third of the shoot.
Kalanchoe diseases
The main pests of this plant are aphids, mold and powdery mildew. In the event that any of the listed diseases occur, you should reduce the humidity in the room in which the plant is contained, and also reduce the degree of watering.
If gray spots appear on your plant, then the flower is a lot of water, so you should put it in a sunny place and reduce watering.