Break dance is popular all over the world and the number of its fans is constantly growing. This is not surprising, because this dance will not only make you the star of the nearest disco, but also teach you to control your body, strengthen your muscles, make your joints more flexible and improve your physical shape. Although break dance is quite difficult to perform, you can start learning at home.

Step 1
Start your break training by strengthening your arm and abdominal muscles. For this, traditional push-ups and abdominal exercises, which are lifting the torso or legs from a supine position, are perfect. It is also necessary to develop flexibility by doing stretching exercises such as side bends, bridge and leg stretching exercises. Always start stretching after warming up the muscles with strength exercises, otherwise you can stretch the muscles. Develop balance by doing, for example, an exercise such as a headstand. At the initial stage, this exercise is best performed with support on a wall.
Step 2
Start learning the simplest movements and, having worked them out to perfection, move on to more complex ones. This will allow you not only to gradually improve your break technique, but also to save untrained muscles from possible injury.
Step 3
Study the technique of each movement carefully. Nowadays it is very easy to do it using the Internet. Just type in the search bar "wave with hands", "wave with the body", "twist on the back" or the name of any other movement and specify "in a break" or "in a break dance". You will receive many links to videos of the performance of this or that break dance element.
Step 4
Practice every movement carefully, paying attention to the smallest details. Repeat the movement many times, try to combine new movements with already well-learned ones. Remember that repetition and practice are the foundation of any dance training.
Step 5
Do headstands and other complex support movements at first. You can use a wall or the help of another person as a support.
Step 6
Purchase a disc with a break dance training video. If there is no such disc in the nearest stores, order it in the online store, where the choice of training programs is much wider.