You probably admired the lower break dancers more than once if you wanted to repeat their tricks. This style is sometimes equated with a sport, it requires physical strength and dexterity, and therefore most often the bottom break is performed by men. But what if you really want to dance? How do you learn to do the bottom break?

Step 1
Start mastering the bottom break with physical fitness. Pay due attention to your arm muscles, especially your biceps and abs. Train your endurance. To do this, every morning and evening, do push-ups in a horizontal and vertical position, do all kinds of backbends, work on the abdominal muscles.
Step 2
Equally important in the bottom break is full stretching. Train carefully and take your time. Remember to warm up your muscles with general exercises before stretching. You can take a hot bath before that. After warming up the body, try to sit in a twine. Do until you feel tight muscle tension, but not to pain, otherwise there is a risk of tearing the ligaments. When you learn to do the splits, the elements of the lower break dance will turn out to be more spectacular.
Step 3
Master the basic elements of break dance, and then their connections. The basis of break dance, with which all b-boys and b-girls begin, is the "crab" exercise. To do this, get on all fours. Bend one arm on which you will rotate under you so that the elbow rests on the press. Lift your legs off the floor, maintaining balance, balancing on a bent arm. Help yourself with your other hand, which you can later lift up.
Step 4
You stand in the "crab" and at first only learn to raise and lower your legs. When these elements begin to work out, move on to rotating the body parallel to the floor using your arms. Then add small bounces. You turn your hand and at the moment when your elbow will have nothing to rest against, you make a small jump on your arm.
Step 5
It is very important to remember about breathing during exercise and dance. If your arms, legs, and head become filled with lead during exercise, it is likely that oxygen is not getting into your blood. Try to breathe deeply through your nose while dancing. If mouth breathing is required at certain times, your body will signal this to you.
Step 6
To perform many elements of break dance, a spacious room is required and the absence of objects, cabinets, corners in it. Before starting to perform sweeping elements, check if there is enough space in the apartment. This must be done so that you do not harm yourself. It might be better to go to the gym for training.
Step 7
Watch the performers of the lower break dance, copy the movements. If you want to practice on your own, you can purchase a set of video lessons on dance technique. For more professional training, it is better to find a good coach or go to a dance studio.