Many people think that it is imperative to have special abilities to dance, otherwise the simplest movement will not be mastered. In fact, dances were not originally the lot of the elite. It is not for nothing that there is such a thing as "folk dance". Everyone can master the basic principles of dance; this does not require any special talents or a highly qualified teacher.

Step 1
You can find schemes for teaching dance anywhere: in special books and magazines, in brochures that are attached to discs and cassettes with dance music, on the Internet, finally. It will take you, quite possibly, more time to study according to the schemes than to study on courses, but this is not at all a prerequisite. And yet, prepare in advance that you will have to overcome many difficulties yourself, without the advice of experienced craftsmen.
Step 2
First, understand the circuit itself. A diagram is not just a picture. It has certain conventions that require decoding, deliberation, understanding. Most likely, you will have to first learn the special character system that is used in your scheme, and then start learning the steps and movements from it. That is, first you need to think with your head, and then connect your legs and arms.
Step 3
When you read the diagram, mentally imagine what this or that step, mentioned in it, should be. Only then proceed directly to working out the movements. Take your time and do not get angry if you do not understand something or if something is not working out for you. Irritability is your worst enemy, as is laziness. You do not have a strict teacher who will give you a thrashing on time. You find yourself in a situation of "your own teacher", so try to live up to the role you have assumed.
Step 4
Dance is not just a collection of steps and hand waves. Each dance has basic steps and those movements that are included in the dance at a more advanced stage. Do not expect that when you start learning Irish dancing, you will immediately start jumping up to the ceiling and that your hands will be, as it should be, pressed against your body. Yes, this is not necessary: first, work out just steps, leg movements, direction. "Where we will direct our feet" is what is most important for you at this stage.
Step 5
If you want to master the art of performing this or that dance to the fullest, then one scheme will probably not be enough for you. Therefore, immediately acquire videos, more detailed instructions, and later go to the courses: the diagram will not teach you everything a dancer should know, but it may well show the basic movements, making it much easier for you to learn dancing in the future.