The pencil has a number of features that should be taken into account when using it in drawing. To make the drawing expressive, you need to experiment a lot with the pressure and sharpness of the pencil. A great option for training is a test drawing of a motorcycle.

Step 1
Draw the basic sketches in thin, barely visible lines. At this stage, the main thing is to maintain the proportions correctly. The wheels must be the same size and the frame must not be oversized.
Step 2
Start outlining the main details. The pencil can be sharpened a little harder to highlight the main lines. At this stage, the model of the motorcycle is determined. If you are new to painting, choose a super sport bike. This racing model has a closure body type. You don't have to draw the engine, battery, and associated wiring.
Step 3
Take a chopper as a model if you want a more complex design. In this case, you will have to draw the insides of the iron horse, which is much more difficult.
Step 4
Use real examples. To get a truly realistic motorcycle, have an image of the model you are drawing handy. To find what you need, enter in the search engine "sport bike" or "chopper" depending on your drawing.
Step 5
Give the drawing dynamics. Depict a motorcycle in motion. This effect can be achieved with a subtle blur effect on the body and wheels. Rub the pencil with a cotton swab or just your finger in the area of the tires and draw out a slightly larger shadow than usual. It will give the impression that the bike is going so fast that the shadow cannot keep up with it.
Step 6
Do not shade the chrome parts of the motorcycle. Instead, create a glitter effect on the light using a white pencil. The effect of "curved mirror" on chrome can be depicted again with a weak blur using cotton swabs.
Step 7
Exercise as much as possible. This is the only surefire way to develop skills that will allow you to create masterpieces.