A motto is an expression that usually prompts action. It implies an understanding of the activity you are doing and a desire to express your point of view. In the motto, others see: your status, your occupation, a call to certain actions, attitude towards society. And this is only a small part of what can be put into a motto.

Step 1
The motto is a call that makes the body release adrenaline into the bloodstream, helping to strive for victory. Therefore, the choice of the motto must be taken seriously. Drawing up a motto is that a person, a team, a group of like-minded people must answer the question "who are you?" or "who are we?" There can be a great variety of answers to these questions. This stage has an important psychological effect - people get to know different ways of self-determination. As a rule, the first three options for each person's answers form the basis for the further development of a single motto. Such options can be: catchphrases, aphorisms, lines from poems, etc. The main thing is that the answer should convey the essence of the author's self-characteristics as much as possible.
Step 2
The next step is to graphically depict the written responses of the first step. The process is accompanied by the nomination and discussion of new versions of the image. The process ends with the fact that each person or group makes a presentation of their motto to the court of those present. The whole team should discuss all versions of the future motto, everyone should participate in the discussion. A panel of judges can be invited to evaluate the motto. The task of judges at such an event is not to evaluate authors, but to help unleash their creative potential. Judges, for example, can ask such questions: how can such a motto affect the result of the competition, can the team motto be used as a motto for one person.
Step 3
The approved motto and its graphic image must definitely help a team or an individual to win victory. The real judgment for the motto will be society and the ability of the bearer of this motto to live up to it. At times, a correctly and precisely formulated motto raised entire countries under its "banners" to accomplish great deeds.