How To Come Up With An Interesting Story

How To Come Up With An Interesting Story
How To Come Up With An Interesting Story

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Telling an interesting story based on real events is not so difficult. It's another matter to come up with a story from start to finish. This will require imagination, imagination and … a few techniques used by professionals.

Choose 10 words at random from the dictionary
Choose 10 words at random from the dictionary


Step 1

As with any endeavor, storytelling is the hardest part to get started. How do you come up with an interesting storyline? What is the story to tell? In situations like this, psychologist Edward de Bono recommends using the ten random word strategy. Let's say you want to write a story about a trip to the sea. But apart from the topic, nothing comes to mind. Take a dictionary and choose ten words at random from it. Connect each of these words by some logical connection with a trip to the sea. In the course of this work, an interesting idea for the beginning of the story should also "flash".

Step 2

A similar method was recommended by the famous storyteller Gianni Rodari. To compose a fairy tale, he offered to choose two words at random and connect them together. This was considered the beginning of the tale. Let's say "dog" and "closet". Their most banal combination gives rise to the mysterious tale "The dog sat in the closet." Then it remains only to unwind the plot: "What did she do there?", "What happened then?" etc.

Step 3

Rodari has a lot of advice on how to write stories. All of them are simple and applicable even when playing with children. You can learn about these tips from the book by this writer "The Grammar of Fantasy."

Step 4

It would be great to refer to the experience of other writers as well. But it is better to choose for reading not monographs and serious works about writing, but light and easy-to-understand books. One of these works is called How to Write Books. Its author is Stephen King. And by the way, despite the fact that King is the king of horror films, this work is fun to read.

Step 5

After a decent beginning has been invented, there are usually no problems with filling the story. Difficulties usually come at the end. An interesting story must be finished accordingly. In order to achieve results, you need to practice being original. Let's say imagine bunny ears sticking out from behind a bush. Do you think there is a hare? Or maybe not. What then? Or imagine two half-circles drawn on the same line. What could it be? The answer is trivial - two hangars. And original, for example - two haystacks on a flying carpet.
