If earlier children were carried only in strollers, now progress has come to slings and kangaroo backpacks. In these devices, the baby can freely "hang" on the mother, freeing her hands. Well, if mom loves to sew, then she probably won't go to the store for a "kangaroo", but will start sewing herself.

It is necessary
- - square meter of dense fabric (linen, jeans);
- - synthetic winterizer or a thin sheet of foam rubber;
- - thick lining for the back of the baby (thick cardboard);
- - 1 meter of elastic;
- - 2 meters of bias inlay;
- - 2 fasteners for clasps.
Step 1
You have to cut out three parts: the top strap, the bottom strap and the seat. At first, it is best to make these parts out of paper or tracing paper. Everything should be properly measured and checked, and only then transferred to fabric. The upper strap is a strip of fabric 100-120 cm long and 3 cm wide. In the middle, the upper strap is 12 cm wider. You need two parts for it. The lower strap should be smaller than the upper one: 95-100 cm, 9 cm wide. You need one piece for it. The seat should be a 50 x 30 cm panel with ends rounded at the top. In total, two parts are required. For all patterns, be sure to add 2 cm for the seams.
Step 2
Fold the cut out parts of the seat with the wrong sides, lay with a dense layer of padding polyester, sew the seams, leaving one side unstitched. To make the synthetic winterizer hold more securely and the seat looks more beautiful, you can sew one piece of the seat together with the synthetic winterizer in several lines - in the form of a diamond, a cage or a strip. Insert a sheet of cardboard or thin foam rubber into the back. Also, sew the two details for the upper strap with several lines. Sew the seat with a bias tape, inserting an elastic band. Zigzag the elastic without overlapping the bottom cuts. Baste the top strap 8 cm from the top edge of the seat. Sew the middle of the lower strap to the bottom of the seat. Baste the elastic bands 2 cm from the seat.
Step 3
Then cut out some triangles. They will need to be sewn to the junction of the straps with the seat so that the baby's weight does not break the seams on the backpack and the baby does not fall. First, baste the triangles to the fabric. Bend the edges neatly at them so that the cuts are not visible, and sew along the very edge of each triangle. Then make a couple of stitches inside the triangle. Your shoulder straps are now securely attached.
Step 4
Sew the buckles to the straps and fasten the straps at the back. Buy clasps as reliable as possible. Check in the store how they work and if they work at all.
Decorate the back of the backpack with applique. Or you can sew a spacious pocket in advance (even for a piece of fabric). Wet wipes, a bottle of water, a spare diaper are never superfluous when walking with your baby.