Geranium is a very unpretentious flower. However, for a cozy neighborhood, you need to know and understand how to care for geraniums: the best light and temperature conditions, especially watering and cutting a flower. Compliance with the minimum requirements will allow you to admire the vibrant geranium flowers all year round.

Geranium, scientifically - pelargonium, is the most frequent inhabitant of Russian windowsills. Even the most inept housewives will be able to easily care for geraniums and delight their families with the exuberant flowering of this unpretentious, but very beautiful flower.
For geraniums, you need to find a convenient pot. It shouldn't be too wide. All gardeners with experience know that the smaller the pot for pelargonium, the more flowers it forms and the longer it blooms. Also, the pot for this flower must have a good drainage system so that the roots do not rot when excess moisture is formed.
How to water geranium
Pelargonium is neutral to watering. Many people think that it is better to under-water it than to over-pour it. Do not try to moisturize geranium leaves and flowers with a sprayer. This will negatively affect the condition of the flower. It is better to choose rainwater or thawed water for irrigation. If there is none, you can use tap water, but it will need to be defended for 2-3 days. In winter, watering geraniums is reduced by 2 times compared to summer, even drying out of the soil is allowed. This is due to the fact that pelargonium switches to "sleep" mode in winter.
Geranium care: lighting and temperature

Geranium is a very light-loving plant and is not at all afraid of direct sunlight. Without fear, you can determine the place of residence of this flower in the sunniest place. Light care for geraniums consists in periodically turning the flower towards the light so that the bush forms evenly. With this approach, pelargonium will bloom from late March to January. In the warmer months, geraniums can be displayed on the balcony or taken out onto the lawn. And yet, with all the love of pelargonium for light, sometimes the plant can get burned. Therefore, when the sun is scorching, it should be shaded a little. In winter, when there is not enough sunlight, the care of geraniums can be supplemented with backlighting with energy-saving "daylight" lamps or special lamps purchased from flower shops.
Geranium feels best at an air temperature of 20-25 degrees in summer, and in winter it is better to care for geraniums at a temperature of 10-14 degrees.
Pruning geraniums for lush flowering
In order for pelargonium to please you with abundant and long flowering, faded peduncles must be removed immediately. You can also pinch the top of the flower and side branches to form a beautiful rounded bush.
Geranium care: fertilization and transplantation

Geranium care associated with the mineral subcrust is carried out from March to September. At this time of the year, fertilization can be applied to the soil 1-2 times a month. Some flower growers purchase specialized feeding for pelargonium, but the use of universal mineral fertilizers gives good results.
Pelargonium does not really like transplants, however, 1-2 times a year will not cause flower disease. If you need to transplant a flower, it is better to plan it for the spring, at least for the summer. Many gardeners plant geraniums in the country directly in the ground for the summer. It is believed that such a procedure can heal the flower and prepare it for winter. In the fall, a mandatory flower pruning is carried out. The main stem of the flower is shortened by 1/3, and the leaves and side branches are also cut off. After pruning, the optimal flower height is 40-50 cm.
Geranium propagation
Geranium is propagated by cuttings. To do this, selected branches with several leaves from the top of the bush are cut at an oblique angle and placed in wet sand or nutrient soil. During the first days, the cuttings are moistened to stimulate the root system.