Sewing a ghost or a bat out of felt is very simple, so such a thematic craft can be recommended even for creativity with children.

We sew a ghost from felt
: thin white felt, white sewing threads (almost any thread is suitable - from traditional No. 40 to thicker and even the "Iris" type), ready-made eyes for toys on a glue basis, black threads (also from No. 40 and thicker), scissors, a needle, paper for a printer, material for stuffing toys (special, which is sold in stores for needlewomen or any that is at hand - cotton wool, holofiber from an unnecessary pillow, synthetic winterizer).
1. Print out the pattern below on the printer (or just draw it by hand). You can change the size of the pattern as you wish in any graphic editor.

2. Cut two identical pieces out of the felt.
3. On one of the parts, embroider a spout with black threads or simply sew on a small button (bead).
4. Fold the parts of the toy with the wrong side to each other and sew their edges with a seam forward with a needle, stepping back from the edge about 3 mm. Before finishing the seam, put some padding polyester inside the toy.
5. Glue the eyes.
The toy is ready!
We sew a bat from felt
I have the same materials as for the ghost, but replace the white felt with black.
is similar (except for item 3).
Felt Bat Pattern:

If you want to hang felt bats and ghosts in the room, sew them to the top of the head of a loop of Iris thread of the required length.