A snood scarf (pipe, collar) is a real find for modern women of fashion. The volumetric embossed canvas, beautifully draped over the shoulders, not only looks stylish - it is also a practical wardrobe item. The accessory protects the head and neck from the cold, while allowing the ladies to keep their beautiful styling. There are ways to knit snood with knitting needles for beginners, which allow you to quickly make fashionable products in the desired colors and create truly unique bows.

Snood for beginners on straight knitting needles
One of the easiest ways to knit snood for beginners with knitting needles is to sew an accessory from a rectangular fabric. This is the best option if you do not know how to work in circular rows yet. Fashionable snood is knitted from thick yarn on large-diameter knitting needles, which greatly reduces and simplifies work on the product. Usually scarves-collars for an adult have universal sizes, however, it is recommended to determine the height and width of the snake on an individual basis.
So, with a head circumference of 61 cm on needles No. 9, you need to dial 54 loops from thick yarn. It is recommended to knit snood with knitting needles for beginners with garter stitch - only with front loops. Such a canvas turns out to be embossed and looks quite impressive, while it perfectly keeps its shape at the edges. Tie a rectangular piece 48-48.5 cm high with the main pattern, then close the loops of the last row.
Fold the knitted rectangle in half along the central transverse line, then carefully sew the top of the scarf-yoke with a thread from a working ball and a darning needle. Connect the open sides of the rectangular piece at the bottom, making a seam 20 cm high. Carefully cut the thread; use a crochet hook to hide the remaining “tail” from the wrong side of the product. Turn out the finished snood.
Snood for beginners on circular knitting needles
If you have mastered the work round, you can knit snood with circular knitting needles No. 4 on the fishing line, while the product will turn out without seams and will not require additional manipulations with the needle. Begin knitting a scarf-collar with a set of 160 loops, then make a 2x2 elastic band (successive alternation of two knit loops with two purl loops).
After the first straight row, close it in a ring and start knitting the snood round. When the knitted fabric reaches a height of 10 cm, go to garter stitch. When knitting a snood on circular knitting needles, to complete the main embossed pattern, you need to alternate the front rows with the purl rows.
Make a garter stitch 20 cm high, then again knit a 2x2 dozen rows with an elastic band and close the loops. Carefully cut the working yarn and veil the rest of the thread on the wrong side of the garment.
Simple snood patterns for beginners
For knitting a snood scarf, it is recommended to choose double-sided patterns that give the canvas effect, relief and sufficient elasticity. There are many variations that even the most inexperienced needlewomen can easily master. One of the simplest snood patterns for beginners is 1x1 elastic, which is performed by alternating the front and back loops in succession. In addition, you can make elastic fabrics 2x2, 3x3, 4x4.

Great for knitting a scarf-yoke pearl pattern, or "rice". The rapport of this simple relief consists of a pair of loops in height and the same number of thread arms in length. Follow the drawing in the following sequence: start the first row with the front one, then alternate the purl and front loops; the second row - with the purl, then - the alternation of the facial and purl; knit the fourth row like the first.
Next, follow the pattern for a simple snood pattern. In fact, the pearl pattern is a "tangled elastic band" with constant displacements of the front and back loops, therefore the pattern is also called "putan".

The chess pattern ("Chessboard") for snood is also easy to perform and is great for novice needlewomen. Work in a 3x3, 4x4, or other number of stitches until you have a row of squares, such as eight stitches high and the same wide. After that, move the pattern: over the purl, perform the front, over the front - purl, until the lines of the squares line up in a checkerboard pattern.

An English elastic band is one of the simplest options for double-sided lush elastic canvases. Classic scarves are often knitted with this pattern; they can also be used for snood for beginners. In the first row of the English elastic, after the edge loop, it is necessary to throw the yarn over the working knitting needle (yarn), remove one loop untied, placing the thread behind the knitting.
In the second row, make a yarn over, remove the next loop again, and knit the thread bow with a yarn over the previous row together with the front one. In the third row of the English gum, do the following alternations: knit the front loop with the crochet; throw on a loop; remove the loop untied. Continue with the pattern for the snood.

How to knit snood for beginners: useful tips
- When knitting a scarf in a circle, mark the beginning of the rows with a contrasting thread or pin.
- It is recommended to knit snood with knitting needles of large diameter, No. 3, 5-10.
- For a yoke scarf, choose double-sided textured patterns.
- The optimal material for snood will be warm, but soft and comfortable to wear yarn with combinations of acrylic and natural wool 80% and 20%, 60% and 40%, respectively.
- Choose quality yarns from reputable brands such as Arctic (Nako), Adelia Olivia, Wool-Ease Thick & Quick or other trusted brands.
- Wash the finished knitted snood by hand in warm water with a special detergent for wool and dry on a horizontal surface with a white towel underneath.